See: Description
Class | Description |
AggregateAnnotationCommandHandler<T extends AggregateRoot> |
Command handler that handles commands based on
annotations on an aggregate. |
AggregateAnnotationCommandHandlerFactoryBean<T extends AggregateRoot<?>> |
Spring FactoryBean that creates an AggregateAnnotationCommandHandler instance.
AggregateCommandHandlerInspector<T extends AggregateRoot> |
Handler inspector that finds annotated constructors and methods on a given aggregate type and provides handlers for
those methods.
AnnotationCommandHandlerAdapter |
Adapter that turns any
@CommandHandler annotated bean into a CommandHandler implementation. |
AnnotationCommandHandlerBeanPostProcessor |
Spring Bean post processor that automatically generates an adapter for each bean containing
CommandHandler annotated methods. |
AnnotationCommandTargetResolver |
CommandTargetResolver that uses annotations on the command to identify the methods that provide the
Aggregate Identifier of the targeted Aggregate and optionally the expected version of the aggregate.
CommandMessageHandlerUtils |
Utility class that resolves the name of a Command accepted by a given handler.
ConstructorCommandMessageHandler<T extends AggregateRoot> |
Command Handler that creates a new aggregate instance by invoking that aggregate's constructor.
CurrentUnitOfWorkParameterResolverFactory |
ParameterResolverFactory that add support for the UnitOfWork parameter type in annotated handlers.
Annotation Type | Description |
CommandHandler |
Marker annotation to mark any method on an object as being a CommandHandler.
CommandHandlingMember |
Marker annotation for field that contain an Entity capable of handling Commands on behalf of the aggregate.
TargetAggregateIdentifier |
Field or method level annotation that marks a field or method providing the identifier of the aggregate that a
command targets.
TargetAggregateVersion |
Field or method level annotation that marks a field or method providing the expected version of the aggregate that a
command targets.
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