Class | Description |
AbstractSagaManagerBeanDefinitionParser |
Abstract SagaManager parser that parses common properties for all SagaManager implementations.
AggregateCommandHandlerBeanDefinitionParser |
Bean Definition parser that parses AggregateAnnotationCommandHandler type beans (aggregate-command-handler element).
AnnotationConfigurationBeanDefinitionParser |
The AnnotationConfigurationBeanDefinitionParser is responsible for parsing the annotation-config element from the
Axon namespace.
AnnotationDrivenConfiguration |
Spring @Configuration related class that adds Axon Annotation PostProcessors to the BeanDefinitionRegistry.
ApplicationContextLookupParameterResolverFactory |
FactoryBean implementation that create a ParameterResolverFactory, which auto-detects beans implementing
ParameterResolverFactory beans in the application context.
AsyncSagaManagerBeanDefinitionParser |
BeanDefinitionParser that parses saga-manager elements in the application context.
AutowiredBean |
Special type of BeanDefinition that references can be use to explicitly define a property as being autowired.
AutowiredDependencyFactoryBean |
Convenience factory bean that locates a bean of a number of given types.
AxonNamespaceHandler |
The Axon namespace handler is responsible for parsing the elements of the Axon namespace and adjusting the Spring
context configuration accordingly.
ClusterBeanDefinitionParser |
BeanDefinitionParser implementation that parses "cluster" elements.
DisruptorCommandBusBeanDefinitionParser |
BeanDefinitionParser that parses
<disruptor-command-bus> elements in the Spring context |
DisruptorCommandBusBeanDefinitionParser.RepositoryFactoryBean |
FactoryBean to create repository instances for use with the DisruptorCommandBus
EventBusBeanDefinitionParser |
The EventBusBeanDefinitionParser is responsible for parsing the
eventBus element from the Axon
namespace. |
FileSystemEventStoreBeanDefinitionParser |
The FileSystemEventStoreBeanDefinitionParser is responsible for parsing the
eventStore element form the
Axon namespace. |
JdbcEventStoreBeanDefinitionParser |
BeanDefinitionParser that provides Spring namespace support for defining JDBC Event Stores.
JdbcSagaRepositoryBeanDefinitionParser |
BeanDefinitionParser that provides Spring namespace support for defining JDBC Saga Repositories.
JpaEventStoreBeanDefinitionParser |
The JpaEventStoreBeanDefinitionParser is responsible for parsing the
eventStore element form the Axon
namespace. |
JpaRepositoryBeanDefinitionParser |
BeanDefinitionParser for the jpa-repository elements in a Spring context.
JpaSagaRepositoryBeanDefinitionParser |
Bean definition parser that parses <jpa-saga-repository> elements into Spring bean definitions.
RepositoryBeanDefinitionParser |
The RepositoryBeanDefinitionParser is responsible for parsing the
repository element from the Axon
namespace. |
SagaManagerBeanDefinitionParser |
Parses the saga-manager element.
SagaManagerBeanDefinitionParser.SagaManagerLifecycleManager |
Manages the subscription of a SagaManager with an Event Bus.
SimpleCommandBusBeanDefinitionParser |
The SimpleCommandBusBeanDefinitionParser does the actual work of parsing the
commandBus element from
Axon namespace. |
SnapshotterBeanDefinitionParser |
The SnapshotterBeanDefinitionParser is responsible for parsing the
snapshotter element form the Axon
namespace. |
SnapshotterTriggerBeanDefinitionParser |
BeanDefinitionParser that parses <snapshotter-trigger> elements.
SpringContextParameterResolverFactoryBuilder |
Creates and registers a bean definition for a Spring Context aware ParameterResolverFactory.
SpringParameterResolverFactoryBean |
Spring factory bean that creates a ParameterResolverFactory instance that is capable of resolving parameter values
as Spring Beans, in addition to the default behavior defined by Axon.
SyncSagaManagerBeanDefinitionParser |
BeanDefinitionParser that parses saga-manager elements in the application context.
TransactionManagerFactoryBean |
Factory Bean that wraps transaction manager instances with an implementation of
TransactionManager , if
necessary (and possible). |
UpcasterChainBeanDefinitionParser |
BeanDefinitionParser that parses UpcasterChain elements.
Enum | Description |
LockingStrategy |
Enum indicating possible locking strategies for repositories.
Annotation Type | Description |
AnnotationDriven |
Annotation for
@Configuration that will automatically
subscribe @CommandHandler and @EventHandler annotated beans with the CommandBus and
EventBus, respectively. |
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