Interface | Description |
ContentTypeConverter<S,T> |
Interface describing a mechanism that converts the data type of IntermediateRepresentations of SerializedObjects for
ConverterFactory |
Interface describing a mechanism that provides instances of ContentTypeConverter for a given source and target data
RevisionResolver |
Interface towards a mechanism that resolves the revision of a given payload type.
SerializationAware |
Marker interface for messages that have special serialization awareness.
SerializedDomainEventData<T> |
Interface describing the properties of serialized Domain Event Messages.
SerializedObject<T> |
Interface describing the structure of a serialized object.
SerializedType |
Describes the type of a serialized object.
Serializer |
Interface describing a serialization mechanism.
Class | Description |
AbstractContentTypeConverter<S,T> |
Abstract implementation of the ContentTypeConverter for convenience purposes.
AbstractXStreamSerializer |
Abstract implementation for XStream based serializers.
AnnotationRevisionResolver |
Revision Resolver implementation that checks for the presence of an
@Revision annotation. |
ChainedConverter<S,T> |
A converter that delegates to a chain of other ContentTypeConverters to convert from a source to a target for which
there is not necessarily a single converter available.
ChainingConverterFactory |
ConverterFactory implementation that will combine converters to form chains of converters to be able to convert
from one type to another, for which there is no suitable single converter.
FixedValueRevisionResolver |
RevisionResolver implementation that returns a fixed value as revision, regardless of the type of serialized object
JavaSerializer |
Serializer implementation that uses Java serialization to serialize and deserialize object instances.
LazyDeserializingObject<T> |
Represents a serialized object that can be deserializedObjects upon request.
MavenArtifactRevisionResolver |
RevisionResolver that uses Maven meta data to retrieve the application version.
MessageSerializer |
Wrapper around a serializer that provides
SerializationAware support. |
SerializationAwareDomainEventMessage<T> |
Wrapper around a DomainEventMessage that adds "Serialization Awareness" to the message it wraps.
SerializationAwareEventMessage<T> |
Wrapper around am EventMessage that adds "Serialization Awareness" to the message it wraps.
SerializedDomainEventMessage<T> |
DomainEventMessage implementation that is optimized to cope with serialized Payload and MetaData.
SerializedEventMessage<T> |
EventMessage implementation that is optimized to cope with serialized Payload and MetaData.
SerializedMessage<T> |
Message implementation that is optimized to cope with serialized Payload and MetaData.
SerializedMetaData<T> |
Represents the serialized form of a
MetaData instance. |
SerializedObjectHolder |
Holder that keeps references to serialized representations of a payload and meta data of a specific message.
SerialVersionUIDRevisionResolver |
RevisionResolver implementation that returns the (String representation of the) serialVersionUID of a class.
SimpleSerializedObject<T> |
SerializedObject implementation that takes all properties as constructor parameters.
SimpleSerializedType |
SerializedType implementation that takes its properties as constructor parameters.
Exception | Description |
CannotConvertBetweenTypesException |
Exception indicating that a conversion is required between to upcasters, but there is no converter capable of doing
the conversion.
SerializationException |
Indicates that an exception occurred while serializing or deserializing an object.
UnknownSerializedTypeException |
Exception indicating that an object could not be deserialized, because its serialized type cannot be mapped to a
Annotation Type | Description |
Revision |
Annotation that attaches revision information to a Serializable object.
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