See: Description
Interface | Description |
SaveAggregateCallback<T extends AggregateRoot> |
Callback used by UnitOfWork instances to be invoked when the UnitOfWork wishes to store an aggregate.
TransactionManager<T> |
Interface towards a mechanism that manages transactions
Typically, this will involve opening database transactions or connecting to external systems.
UnitOfWork |
This class represents a UnitOfWork in which modifications are made to aggregates.
UnitOfWorkFactory |
UnitOfWorkFactory interface is used to obtain UnitOfWork instances to manage activity in command
handling processes. |
UnitOfWorkListener |
Interface describing a listener that is notified of state changes in the UnitOfWork it has been registered with.
Class | Description |
CurrentUnitOfWork |
Default entry point to gain access to the current UnitOfWork.
DefaultUnitOfWork |
Implementation of the UnitOfWork that buffers all published events until it is committed.
DefaultUnitOfWorkFactory |
UnitOfWorkFactory implementation that creates instances of the DefaultUnitOfWork . |
MetaDataMutatingUnitOfWorkListenerAdapter |
Specialist UnitOfWorkListenerAdapter that allows modification of Meta Data of Events during the "beforeCommit" phase
of a Unit of Work.
NestableUnitOfWork |
Abstract implementation of the UnitOfWork interface.
NoTransactionManager |
TransactionManager implementation that does nothing.
SpringTransactionManager |
TransactionManager implementation that uses a
PlatformTransactionManager as
underlying transaction manager. |
UnitOfWorkListenerAdapter |
Abstract implementation of the
UnitOfWorkListener that provides empty implementation of all methods declared
in UnitOfWorkListener . |
UnitOfWorkListenerCollection |
This class is responsible for notifying registered listeners in a specific order of precedence.
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