Package org.axonframework.auditing

Interface Summary
AuditDataProvider Interface describing the instance that provides the relevant information for auditing purposes.
AuditLogger Interface describing a component capable of writing auditing entries to a log.

Class Summary
AuditingInterceptor Interceptor that keeps track of commands and the events that were dispatched as a result of handling that command.
AuditingUnitOfWorkListener Listener implementation that adds auditing information to events being tracked by the unit of work this listener is registered to.
CommandMetaDataProvider AuditDataProvider implementation that attaches a Command's MetaData to each event generated as result of that command.
CorrelationAuditDataProvider AuditDataProvider implementation that attaches the command identifier to each Event generated as result of that Command.
EmptyDataProvider Implementation of AuditDataProvider that provides no information (empty map).
NullAuditLogger An implementation of AuditLogger that does nothing.

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