Package org.axonframework.commandhandling.gateway

Interface Summary
CommandGateway Interface towards the Command Handling components of an application.
GatewayProxyFactory.InvocationHandler<R> Interface towards the mechanism that handles a method call on a gateway interface method.
RetryScheduler Interface towards a mechanism that decides whether to schedule a command for execution when a previous attempts resulted in an exception.

Class Summary
AbstractCommandGateway Abstract implementation of a CommandGateway, which handles the dispatch interceptors and retrying on failure.
CommandGatewayFactoryBean<T> FactoryBean that creates a gateway instance for any given (compatible) interface.
DefaultCommandGateway Default implementation of the CommandGateway interface.
GatewayProxyFactory Factory that creates Gateway implementations from custom interface definitions.
IntervalRetryScheduler RetryScheduler implementation that retries commands at regular intervals when they fail because of an exception that is not explicitly non-transient.
RetryingCallback<R> Callback implementation that will invoke a retry scheduler if a command results in a runtime exception.

Annotation Types Summary
Timeout Class or method level annotation that indicates the calling thread should not wait longer than the provided timeout for the results of a command.

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