Package org.axonframework.common.jdbc

Interface Summary
ConnectionProvider Interface towards a mechanism that provides access to a JDBC Connection.
ConnectionWrapperFactory.ConnectionCloseHandler Interface defining an operation to close the wrapped connection
PersistenceExceptionResolver The PersistenceExceptionResolver is used to find out if an exception is caused by duplicate keys.

Class Summary
ConnectionWrapperFactory Factory for creating wrappers around a Connection, allowing one to override the behavior of the Connection.close() method.
ConnectionWrapperFactory.NoOpCloseHandler Implementation of ConnectionCloseHandler that does nothing on close.
DataSourceConnectionProvider ConnectionProvider implementation that obtains a connection from a given DataSource.
JdbcUtils Utility class for silently closing JDBC resources
SpringDataSourceConnectionProvider ConnectionProvider implementation that is aware of Transaction Managers and provides the connection attached to an active transaction manager, instead of asking a Data Source directly.
UnitOfWorkAwareConnectionProviderWrapper Wrapper for a ConnectionProvider that checks if a connection is already attached to the Unit of Work, favoring that connection over creating a new one.

Exception Summary
JdbcTransactionException Exception indicating an error occurred while interacting with a JDBC resource.

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