Package org.axonframework.contextsupport.spring

Class Summary
AbstractSagaManagerBeanDefinitionParser Abstract SagaManager parser that parses common properties for all SagaManager implementations.
AggregateCommandHandlerBeanDefinitionParser Bean Definition parser that parses AggregateAnnotationCommandHandler type beans (aggregate-command-handler element).
AnnotationConfigurationBeanDefinitionParser The AnnotationConfigurationBeanDefinitionParser is responsible for parsing the annotation-config element from the Axon namespace.
AnnotationDrivenConfiguration Spring @Configuration related class that adds Axon Annotation PostProcessors to the BeanDefinitionRegistry.
ApplicationContextLookupParameterResolverFactory FactoryBean implementation that create a ParameterResolverFactory, which auto-detects beans implementing ParameterResolverFactory beans in the application context.
AsyncSagaManagerBeanDefinitionParser BeanDefinitionParser that parses saga-manager elements in the application context.
AutowiredBean Special type of BeanDefinition that references can be use to explicitly define a property as being autowired.
AutowiredDependencyFactoryBean Convenience factory bean that locates a bean of a number of given types.
AxonNamespaceHandler The Axon namespace handler is responsible for parsing the elements of the Axon namespace and adjusting the Spring context configuration accordingly.
ClusterBeanDefinitionParser BeanDefinitionParser implementation that parses "cluster" elements.
DisruptorCommandBusBeanDefinitionParser BeanDefinitionParser that parses <disruptor-command-bus> elements in the Spring context
DisruptorRepositoryBeanDefinitionParser Bean Definition parsers that parses disruptor-repository elements.
DisruptorRepositoryBeanDefinitionParser.RepositoryFactoryBean FactoryBean to create repository instances for use with the DisruptorCommandBus
EventBusBeanDefinitionParser The EventBusBeanDefinitionParser is responsible for parsing the eventBus element from the Axon namespace.
FileSystemEventStoreBeanDefinitionParser The FileSystemEventStoreBeanDefinitionParser is responsible for parsing the eventStore element form the Axon namespace.
JdbcEventStoreBeanDefinitionParser BeanDefinitionParser that provides Spring namespace support for defining JDBC Event Stores.
JdbcSagaRepositoryBeanDefinitionParser BeanDefinitionParser that provides Spring namespace support for defining JDBC Saga Repositories.
JpaEventStoreBeanDefinitionParser The JpaEventStoreBeanDefinitionParser is responsible for parsing the eventStore element form the Axon namespace.
JpaRepositoryBeanDefinitionParser BeanDefinitionParser for the jpa-repository elements in a Spring context.
JpaSagaRepositoryBeanDefinitionParser Bean definition parser that parses <jpa-saga-repository> elements into Spring bean definitions.
RepositoryBeanDefinitionParser The RepositoryBeanDefinitionParser is responsible for parsing the repository element from the Axon namespace.
SagaManagerBeanDefinitionParser Parses the saga-manager element.
SagaManagerBeanDefinitionParser.SagaManagerLifecycleManager Manages the subscription of a SagaManager with an Event Bus.
SimpleCommandBusBeanDefinitionParser The SimpleCommandBusBeanDefinitionParser does the actual work of parsing the commandBus element from the Axon namespace.
SnapshotterBeanDefinitionParser The SnapshotterBeanDefinitionParser is responsible for parsing the snapshotter element form the Axon namespace.
SnapshotterTriggerBeanDefinitionParser BeanDefinitionParser that parses <snapshotter-trigger> elements.
SpringContextParameterResolverFactoryBuilder Creates and registers a bean definition for a Spring Context aware ParameterResolverFactory.
SpringParameterResolverFactoryBean Spring factory bean that creates a ParameterResolverFactory instance that is capable of resolving parameter values as Spring Beans, in addition to the default behavior defined by Axon.
SyncSagaManagerBeanDefinitionParser BeanDefinitionParser that parses saga-manager elements in the application context.
TransactionManagerFactoryBean Factory Bean that wraps transaction manager instances with an implementation of TransactionManager, if necessary (and possible).
UpcasterChainBeanDefinitionParser BeanDefinitionParser that parses UpcasterChain elements.

Enum Summary
LockingStrategy Enum indicating possible locking strategies for repositories.

Annotation Types Summary
AnnotationDriven Annotation for @Configuration that will automatically subscribe @CommandHandler and @EventHandler annotated beans with the CommandBus and EventBus, respectively.

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