Package org.axonframework.eventhandling

Classes related to event handling and dispatching, such as Event Listeners and the Event Bus.


Interface Summary
Cluster A cluster represents a group of Event Listeners that are treated as a single group by the ClusteringEventBus.
ClusterMetaData Allows arbitrary information to be attached to a cluster.
ClusterSelector The ClusterSelector defines the mechanism that assigns each of the subscribed listeners to a Cluster instance.
EventBus Specification of the mechanism on which the Event Listeners can subscribe for events and event publishers can publish their events.
EventBusTerminal Interface describing a mechanism that connects Event Bus clusters.
EventListener Interface to be implemented by classes that can handle events.
EventListenerProxy Specialist interface for implementations of an event listener that redirect actual processing to another instance.
EventProcessingMonitor Interface describing a mechanism that listens for the results of events being processed.
EventProcessingMonitorSupport Interface indicating that the implementing class is capable of notifying monitors when event processing completes.
OrderResolver Interface describing a mechanism that provides the order for any given Event Listener.
SimpleEventBusStatisticsMXBean Management interface the SimpleEventBus monitor.

Class Summary
AbstractCluster Abstract Cluster implementation that keeps track of Cluster members (EventListeners).
AbstractClusterSelector Abstract implementation of the ClusterSelector interface that detects proxies and passes the actual Class of the Event Listener implementation.
AnnotationClusterSelector Cluster Selector implementation that selects a cluster if an Annotation is present on the Event Listener class.
AutowiringClusterSelector Cluster selector implementation that uses a Spring Application Context to find all selector beans available.
ClassNamePatternClusterSelector ClusterSelector implementation that chooses a Cluster based on whether the Listener's Class Name matches a given Pattern.
ClassNamePrefixClusterSelector ClusterSelector implementation that chooses a Cluster based on a mapping of the Listener's Class Name.
ClusteringEventBus EventBus implementation that supports clustering of Event Listeners.
CompositeClusterSelector ClusterSelector implementation that delegates the selection to a list of other ClusterSelectors.
DefaultClusterMetaData Default implementation of ClusterMetaData.
DefaultClusterSelector ClusterSelector implementation that always selects the same cluster.
EventListenerOrderComparator Comparator implementation that uses an OrderResolver instance to define the expected order of two candidates.
EventProcessingMonitorCollection Implementation of the EventProcessingMonitor that delegates to all registered EventProcessingMonitor instances.
EventTemplate Template class that dispatches Events to an EventBus, taking active UnitOfWork into account.
MultiplexingEventProcessingMonitor Implementation of the EventProcessingMonitor that receives multiple invocations of downstream monitors and translates that to a single invocation to a target monitor.
SimpleCluster A simple Cluster implementation that invokes each of the members of a cluster when an Event is published.
SimpleClusterFactoryBean FactoryBean that creates an instance of a SimpleCluster, allowing easier access to the MetaData.
SimpleEventBus Implementation of the EventBus that directly forwards all published events (in the callers' thread) to all subscribed listeners.
SimpleEventBusStatistics Statistics object to store information about the internal of the SimpleEventBus.
SpringAnnotationOrderResolver OrderResolver implementation that checks for @Order annotations on the type level.

Exception Summary
EventListenerSubscriptionFailedException Exception indicating that the subscription of an Event Listener has not succeeded.

Package org.axonframework.eventhandling Description

Classes related to event handling and dispatching, such as Event Listeners and the Event Bus.

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