Event Listeners
and the Event Bus
Interface Summary | |
Cluster | A cluster represents a group of Event Listeners that are treated as a single group by the ClusteringEventBus . |
ClusterMetaData | Allows arbitrary information to be attached to a cluster. |
ClusterSelector | The ClusterSelector defines the mechanism that assigns each of the subscribed listeners to a Cluster instance. |
EventBus | Specification of the mechanism on which the Event Listeners can subscribe for events and event publishers can publish their events. |
EventBusTerminal | Interface describing a mechanism that connects Event Bus clusters. |
EventListener | Interface to be implemented by classes that can handle events. |
EventListenerProxy | Specialist interface for implementations of an event listener that redirect actual processing to another instance. |
EventProcessingMonitor | Interface describing a mechanism that listens for the results of events being processed. |
EventProcessingMonitorSupport | Interface indicating that the implementing class is capable of notifying monitors when event processing completes. |
OrderResolver | Interface describing a mechanism that provides the order for any given Event Listener. |
SimpleEventBusStatisticsMXBean | Management interface the SimpleEventBus monitor. |
Class Summary | |
AbstractCluster | Abstract Cluster implementation that keeps track of Cluster members (EventListeners ). |
AbstractClusterSelector | Abstract implementation of the ClusterSelector interface that detects proxies and passes the actual Class of the Event Listener implementation. |
AnnotationClusterSelector | Cluster Selector implementation that selects a cluster if an Annotation is present on the Event Listener class. |
AutowiringClusterSelector | Cluster selector implementation that uses a Spring Application Context to find all selector beans available. |
ClassNamePatternClusterSelector | ClusterSelector implementation that chooses a Cluster based on whether the Listener's Class Name matches a given Pattern. |
ClassNamePrefixClusterSelector | ClusterSelector implementation that chooses a Cluster based on a mapping of the Listener's Class Name. |
ClusteringEventBus | EventBus implementation that supports clustering of Event Listeners. |
CompositeClusterSelector | ClusterSelector implementation that delegates the selection to a list of other ClusterSelectors. |
DefaultClusterMetaData | Default implementation of ClusterMetaData. |
DefaultClusterSelector | ClusterSelector implementation that always selects the same cluster. |
EventListenerOrderComparator | Comparator implementation that uses an OrderResolver instance to define the expected order of two
candidates. |
EventProcessingMonitorCollection | Implementation of the EventProcessingMonitor that delegates to all registered EventProcessingMonitor instances. |
EventTemplate | Template class that dispatches Events to an EventBus , taking active
UnitOfWork into account. |
MultiplexingEventProcessingMonitor | Implementation of the EventProcessingMonitor that receives multiple invocations of downstream monitors and translates that to a single invocation to a target monitor. |
SimpleCluster | A simple Cluster implementation that invokes each of the members of a cluster when an Event is published. |
SimpleClusterFactoryBean | FactoryBean that creates an instance of a SimpleCluster, allowing easier access to the MetaData. |
SimpleEventBus | Implementation of the EventBus that directly forwards all published events (in the callers' thread) to all
subscribed listeners. |
SimpleEventBusStatistics | Statistics object to store information about the internal of the SimpleEventBus . |
SpringAnnotationOrderResolver | OrderResolver implementation that checks for @Order annotations on the type level. |
Exception Summary | |
EventListenerSubscriptionFailedException | Exception indicating that the subscription of an Event Listener has not succeeded. |
Classes related to event handling and dispatching, such as Event Listeners
and the Event Bus