Package org.axonframework.eventstore.jpa

JPA Implementation of the EventStore.


Interface Summary
EventEntryFactory<T> Interface describing a factory that creates Entities for the JpaEventStore to persist.
EventEntryStore<T> Interface describing the mechanism that stores Events into the backing data store.
PersistenceExceptionResolver Deprecated. Implement PersistenceExceptionResolver instead.

Class Summary
AbstractEventEntry Data needed by different types of event logs.
AbstractEventEntryData<T> Abstract JPA Entity, which defines all fields except for the payload and metaData field.
AbstractEventEntryData.PK Primary key definition of the AbstractEventEntry class.
DefaultEventEntryFactory Implementation of the EventEntryFactory that provides the default Axon entities, which store payload and meta data of Events as byte arrays.
DefaultEventEntryStore<T> Implementation of the EventEntryStore that stores events in DomainEventEntry entities and snapshot events in SnapshotEventEntry entities.
DomainEventEntry JPA compliant wrapper around a DomainEvent.
JpaEventStore An EventStore implementation that uses JPA to store DomainEvents in a database.
SimpleSerializedDomainEventData<T> Simple implementation of the SerializedDomainEventData class, used to reduce memory consumptions by queries accessing Event Entries.
SnapshotEventEntry JPA compatible entry that stores data required for the use of snapshot events.
SQLErrorCodesResolver SQLErrorCodesResolver is an implementation of PersistenceExceptionResolver used to resolve sql error codes to see if it is an duplicate key constraint violation.
SQLStateResolver SQLStateResolver is an implementation of PersistenceExceptionResolver used to resolve sql state values to see if it violates a unique key constraint.

Package org.axonframework.eventstore.jpa Description

JPA Implementation of the EventStore. This package contains all classes needed to provide such an implementation

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