Package org.axonframework.serializer

Interface Summary
ContentTypeConverter<S,T> Interface describing a mechanism that converts the data type of IntermediateRepresentations of SerializedObjects for Upcasters.
ConverterFactory Interface describing a mechanism that provides instances of ContentTypeConverter for a given source and target data type.
RevisionResolver Interface towards a mechanism that resolves the revision of a given payload type.
SerializationAware Marker interface for messages that have special serialization awareness.
SerializedDomainEventData<T> Interface describing the properties of serialized Domain Event Messages.
SerializedObject<T> Interface describing the structure of a serialized object.
SerializedType Describes the type of a serialized object.
Serializer Interface describing a serialization mechanism.

Class Summary
AbstractContentTypeConverter<S,T> Abstract implementation of the ContentTypeConverter for convenience purposes.
AbstractXStreamSerializer Abstract implementation for XStream based serializers.
AnnotationRevisionResolver Revision Resolver implementation that checks for the presence of an @Revision annotation.
ChainedConverter<S,T> A converter that delegates to a chain of other ContentTypeConverters to convert from a source to a target for which there is not necessarily a single converter available.
ChainingConverterFactory ConverterFactory implementation that will combine converters to form chains of converters to be able to convert from one type to another, for which there is no suitable single converter.
FixedValueRevisionResolver RevisionResolver implementation that returns a fixed value as revision, regardless of the type of serialized object involved.
JavaSerializer Serializer implementation that uses Java serialization to serialize and deserialize object instances.
LazyDeserializingObject<T> Represents a serialized object that can be deserializedObjects upon request.
MavenArtifactRevisionResolver RevisionResolver that uses Maven meta data to retrieve the application version.
MessageSerializer Wrapper around a serializer that provides SerializationAware support.
SerializationAwareDomainEventMessage<T> Wrapper around a DomainEventMessage that adds "Serialization Awareness" to the message it wraps.
SerializationAwareEventMessage<T> Wrapper around am EventMessage that adds "Serialization Awareness" to the message it wraps.
SerializedDomainEventMessage<T> DomainEventMessage implementation that is optimized to cope with serialized Payload and MetaData.
SerializedEventMessage<T> EventMessage implementation that is optimized to cope with serialized Payload and MetaData.
SerializedMessage<T> Message implementation that is optimized to cope with serialized Payload and MetaData.
SerializedMetaData<T> Represents the serialized form of a MetaData instance.
SerializedObjectHolder Holder that keeps references to serialized representations of a payload and meta data of a specific message.
SerialVersionUIDRevisionResolver RevisionResolver implementation that returns the (String representation of the) serialVersionUID of a class.
SimpleSerializedObject<T> SerializedObject implementation that takes all properties as constructor parameters.
SimpleSerializedType SerializedType implementation that takes its properties as constructor parameters.

Exception Summary
CannotConvertBetweenTypesException Exception indicating that a conversion is required between to upcasters, but there is no converter capable of doing the conversion.
SerializationException Indicates that an exception occurred while serializing or deserializing an object.
UnknownSerializedTypeException Exception indicating that an object could not be deserialized, because its serialized type cannot be mapped to a class.

Annotation Types Summary
Revision Annotation that attaches revision information to a Serializable object.

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