Interface | Description |
AggregateConfiguration<A> |
Specialization of the Module Configuration for modules that define an Aggregate Configuration.
Configuration |
Interface describing the Global Configuration for Axon components.
Configurer |
Entry point of the Axon Configuration API.
ConfigurerModule |
Interface describing a configurer for a module in the Axon Configuration API.
EventProcessingConfiguration |
Defines a contract for accessor methods regarding event processing configuration.
EventProcessingConfigurer |
Defines a contract for configuring event processing.
EventProcessingConfigurer.DeadLetteringInvokerConfiguration |
Contract defining
DeadLetteringEventHandlerInvoker.Builder based configuration when constructing a
DeadLetteringEventHandlerInvoker . |
EventProcessingConfigurer.EventProcessorBuilder |
Contract which defines how to build an event processor.
EventProcessingConfigurer.PooledStreamingProcessorConfiguration |
Contract defining
PooledStreamingEventProcessor.Builder based configuration when constructing a PooledStreamingEventProcessor . |
LifecycleHandler |
Functional interface towards a lifecycle handler used during start up or shutdown of an application.
LifecycleOperations |
Interface describing the configuration of start and shutdown handlers within Axon's configuration.
MessageMonitorFactory |
Interface describing a factory for a Message Monitor.
ModuleConfiguration |
Interface describing a module for the Axon Configuration API.
SagaConfiguration<S> |
Represents a set of components needed to configure a Saga.
SubscribableMessageSourceDefinition<M extends Message<?>> |
Definition for a
SubscribableMessageSource . |
Class | Description |
AggregateConfigurer<A> |
Axon Configuration API extension that allows the definition of an Aggregate.
AxonIQConsoleModule |
Module related to AxonIQ console, for now it's just logging information about AxonIQ console when it's not suppressed
and the console-framework-client is not available.
Component<B> |
A Component used in the Axon Configurer.
ConfigurationParameterResolverFactory |
ParameterResolverFactory implementation that resolves parameters from available components in the Configuration
instance it was configured with.
ConfigurationResourceInjector |
ResourceInjector implementation that injects resources defined in the Axon Configuration.
ConfigurationScopeAwareProvider |
Implementation of the
ScopeAwareProvider which will retrieve a List of ScopeAware components
in a lazy manner. |
DefaultConfigurer |
Entry point of the Axon Configuration API.
EventProcessingModule |
Event processing module configuration.
LifecycleHandlerInspector |
Utility class used to resolve
LifecycleHandler s to be registered to the Configuration . |
MessageHandlerRegistrar |
MessageHandlerRegistrar manages the lifecycle of a message handling component, by defining a MessageHandlerRegistrar.start() and MessageHandlerRegistrar.shutdown() method and keeping hold of the message handler's Registration . |
SagaConfigurer<T> |
Provides mechanisms to configure the components used to manage and store Saga.
TagsConfiguration |
Tags configuration labeling Axon Node represented by key-value pairs.
Annotation Type | Description |
ProcessingGroup |
Hint for the Configuration API that the annotated Event Handler object should be assigned to an Event Processor with
the specified name.
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