Package | Description |
org.axonframework.auditing | |
org.axonframework.commandhandling |
Classes that implement the concept of command handling using explicit command objects.
org.axonframework.commandhandling.annotation |
Classes that provide annotation support for command handling.
org.axonframework.commandhandling.callbacks | |
org.axonframework.commandhandling.disruptor | |
org.axonframework.commandhandling.distributed | |
org.axonframework.commandhandling.distributed.jgroups | |
org.axonframework.commandhandling.gateway | |
org.axonframework.commandhandling.interceptors |
Contains some useful implementations of interceptors that many application can benefit from.
org.axonframework.quickstart.handler | |
org.axonframework.test.utils |
A collection of classes which may prove useful when testing Axon-based classes.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Object |
AuditingInterceptor.handle(CommandMessage<?> command,
UnitOfWork unitOfWork,
InterceptorChain chain) |
Map<String,Object> |
EmptyDataProvider.provideAuditDataFor(CommandMessage<?> command)
Return the relevant auditing information for the given command.
Map<String,Object> |
CorrelationAuditDataProvider.provideAuditDataFor(CommandMessage<?> command) |
Map<String,Object> |
CommandMetaDataProvider.provideAuditDataFor(CommandMessage<?> command) |
Map<String,Object> |
AuditDataProvider.provideAuditDataFor(CommandMessage<?> command)
Return the relevant auditing information for the given command.
Constructor and Description |
AuditingUnitOfWorkListener(CommandMessage<?> command,
AuditDataProvider auditDataProvider,
AuditLogger auditLogger)
Initialize a listener for the given
command . |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Implementation of the CommandMessage that takes all properties as constructor parameters.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
CommandMessage<T> |
CommandMessage.andMetaData(Map<String,?> metaData)
Returns a copy of this CommandMessage with it MetaData merged with the given
metaData . |
static CommandMessage |
GenericCommandMessage.asCommandMessage(Object command)
Returns the given command as a CommandMessage.
CommandMessage<?> |
CommandDispatchInterceptor.handle(CommandMessage<?> commandMessage)
Invoked each time a command is about to be dispatched on a Command Bus.
protected CommandMessage<?> |
SimpleCommandBus.intercept(CommandMessage<?> command)
Invokes all the dispatch interceptors.
CommandMessage<T> |
CommandMessage.withMetaData(Map<String,?> metaData)
Returns a copy of this CommandMessage with the given
metaData . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
SimpleCommandBus.dispatch(CommandMessage<?> command) |
void |
CommandBus.dispatch(CommandMessage<?> command)
Dispatch the given
command to the CommandHandler subscribed to that type of command . |
<R> void |
SimpleCommandBus.dispatch(CommandMessage<?> command,
CommandCallback<R> callback) |
<R> void |
CommandBus.dispatch(CommandMessage<?> command,
CommandCallback<R> callback)
Dispatch the given
command to the CommandHandler subscribed to that type of command . |
protected <R> void |
SimpleCommandBus.doDispatch(CommandMessage<?> command,
CommandCallback<R> callback)
Performs the actual dispatching logic.
protected <R> void |
AsynchronousCommandBus.doDispatch(CommandMessage<?> command,
CommandCallback<R> callback) |
CommandMessage<?> |
CommandDispatchInterceptor.handle(CommandMessage<?> commandMessage)
Invoked each time a command is about to be dispatched on a Command Bus.
Object |
CommandHandlerInterceptor.handle(CommandMessage<?> commandMessage,
UnitOfWork unitOfWork,
InterceptorChain interceptorChain)
The handle method is invoked each time a command is dispatched through the command bus that the
CommandHandlerInterceptor is declared on.
Object |
CommandHandler.handle(CommandMessage<T> commandMessage,
UnitOfWork unitOfWork)
Handles the given
command . |
protected CommandMessage<?> |
SimpleCommandBus.intercept(CommandMessage<?> command)
Invokes all the dispatch interceptors.
Object |
InterceptorChain.proceed(CommandMessage<?> command)
Signals the Interceptor Chain to continue processing the given command.
Object |
DefaultInterceptorChain.proceed(CommandMessage<?> commandProceedWith)
Signals the Interceptor Chain to continue processing the given command.
VersionedAggregateIdentifier |
MetaDataCommandTargetResolver.resolveTarget(CommandMessage<?> command) |
VersionedAggregateIdentifier |
CommandTargetResolver.resolveTarget(CommandMessage<?> command)
Returns the Aggregate Identifier and optionally the expected version of the aggregate on which the given
command should be executed. |
Constructor and Description |
DefaultInterceptorChain(CommandMessage<?> command,
UnitOfWork unitOfWork,
CommandHandler<?> handler,
Iterable<? extends CommandHandlerInterceptor> chain)
Initialize the default interceptor chain to dispatch the given
command , through the
chain , to the handler . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Object |
AnnotationCommandHandlerAdapter.handle(CommandMessage<Object> command,
UnitOfWork unitOfWork)
Invokes the @CommandHandler annotated method that accepts the given
command . |
Object |
AggregateAnnotationCommandHandler.handle(CommandMessage<Object> commandMessage,
UnitOfWork unitOfWork) |
protected Object |
AggregateAnnotationCommandHandler.resolveReturnValue(CommandMessage<?> command,
T createdAggregate)
Resolves the value to return when the given
command has created the given aggregate . |
VersionedAggregateIdentifier |
AnnotationCommandTargetResolver.resolveTarget(CommandMessage<?> command) |
Constructor and Description |
LoggingCallback(CommandMessage<?> message)
Initialize a LoggingCallback for the given
message . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
CommandMessage<?> |
Returns the CommandMessage to be executed.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
DisruptorCommandBus.dispatch(CommandMessage<?> command) |
<R> void |
DisruptorCommandBus.dispatch(CommandMessage<?> command,
CommandCallback<R> callback) |
<R> void |
DisruptorCommandBus.doDispatch(CommandMessage command,
CommandCallback<R> callback)
Forces a dispatch of a command.
void |
CommandHandlingEntry.reset(CommandMessage<?> newCommand,
CommandHandler newCommandHandler,
int newInvokerSegmentId,
int newPublisherSegmentId,
int newSerializerSegmentId,
BlacklistDetectingCallback newCallback,
List<CommandHandlerInterceptor> invokerInterceptors,
List<CommandHandlerInterceptor> publisherInterceptors)
Resets this entry, preparing it for use for another command.
Constructor and Description |
BlacklistDetectingCallback(CommandCallback<R> delegate,
CommandMessage command,
com.lmax.disruptor.RingBuffer<CommandHandlingEntry> ringBuffer,
DisruptorCommandBus commandBus,
boolean rescheduleOnCorruptState)
Initializes the callback which allows the given
command to be rescheduled on the given
ringBuffer if it failed due to a corrupt state. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
DistributedCommandBus.dispatch(CommandMessage<?> command)
Dispatch the given
command to the CommandHandler subscribed to that type of command . |
<R> void |
DistributedCommandBus.dispatch(CommandMessage<?> command,
CommandCallback<R> callback)
Dispatch the given
command to the CommandHandler subscribed to that type of command . |
protected String |
MetaDataRoutingStrategy.doResolveRoutingKey(CommandMessage<?> command) |
protected String |
AnnotationRoutingStrategy.doResolveRoutingKey(CommandMessage<?> command) |
protected abstract String |
AbstractRoutingStrategy.doResolveRoutingKey(CommandMessage<?> command)
Resolve the Routing Key for the given
command . |
String |
RoutingStrategy.getRoutingKey(CommandMessage<?> command)
Generates a routing key for the given
command . |
String |
AbstractRoutingStrategy.getRoutingKey(CommandMessage<?> command) |
void |
CommandBusConnector.send(String routingKey,
CommandMessage<?> command)
Sends the given
command to the node assigned to handle messages with the given
routingKey . |
<R> void |
CommandBusConnector.send(String routingKey,
CommandMessage<?> command,
CommandCallback<R> callback)
Sends the given
command to the node assigned to handle messages with the given
routingKey . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
CommandMessage<?> |
DispatchMessage.getCommandMessage(Serializer serializer)
Returns the CommandMessage wrapped in this Message.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
JGroupsConnector.send(String routingKey,
CommandMessage<?> commandMessage) |
<R> void |
JGroupsConnector.send(String routingKey,
CommandMessage<?> commandMessage,
CommandCallback<R> callback) |
Constructor and Description |
DispatchMessage(CommandMessage<?> commandMessage,
Serializer serializer,
boolean expectReply)
Initialized a DispatchMessage for the given
commandMessage , to be serialized using given
serializer . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected CommandMessage |
AbstractCommandGateway.processInterceptors(CommandMessage commandMessage)
Invokes all the dispatch interceptors and returns the CommandMessage instance that should be dispatched.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected CommandMessage |
AbstractCommandGateway.processInterceptors(CommandMessage commandMessage)
Invokes all the dispatch interceptors and returns the CommandMessage instance that should be dispatched.
boolean |
RetryScheduler.scheduleRetry(CommandMessage commandMessage,
RuntimeException lastFailure,
List<Class<? extends Throwable>[]> failures,
Runnable commandDispatch)
Inspect the given
commandMessage that failed with given lastFailure . |
boolean |
IntervalRetryScheduler.scheduleRetry(CommandMessage commandMessage,
RuntimeException lastFailure,
List<Class<? extends Throwable>[]> failures,
Runnable dispatchTask) |
Constructor and Description |
RetryingCallback(CommandCallback<R> delegate,
CommandMessage commandMessage,
RetryScheduler retryScheduler,
CommandBus commandBus)
Initialize the RetryingCallback with the given
delegate , representing the actual callback passed as
a parameter to dispatch, the given commandMessage , retryScheduler and
commandBus . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
CommandMessage<?> |
BeanValidationInterceptor.handle(CommandMessage<?> command) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
CommandMessage<?> |
BeanValidationInterceptor.handle(CommandMessage<?> command) |
Object |
SerializationOptimizingInterceptor.handle(CommandMessage<?> commandMessage,
UnitOfWork unitOfWork,
InterceptorChain interceptorChain) |
Object |
LoggingInterceptor.handle(CommandMessage<?> command,
UnitOfWork unitOfWork,
InterceptorChain chain) |
Object |
BeanValidationInterceptor.handle(CommandMessage<?> command,
UnitOfWork unitOfWork,
InterceptorChain interceptorChain) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Object |
CreateToDoCommandHandler.handle(CommandMessage<CreateToDoItemCommand> commandMessage,
UnitOfWork unitOfWork) |
Object |
MarkCompletedCommandHandler.handle(CommandMessage<MarkCompletedCommand> commandMessage,
UnitOfWork unitOfWork) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<CommandMessage<?>> |
Returns a list with all commands that have been dispatched by this command bus.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
RecordingCommandBus.dispatch(CommandMessage<?> command) |
<R> void |
RecordingCommandBus.dispatch(CommandMessage<?> command,
CommandCallback<R> callback) |
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