Class | Description |
AbstractAnnotatedSaga |
Implementation of the
interface that delegates incoming events to @SagaEventHandler annotated methods. |
AnnotatedSagaManager |
Implementation of the SagaManager that uses annotations on the Sagas to describe the lifecycle management.
AssociationValuesImpl |
Default implementation of the AssociationValues interface.
AsyncAnnotatedSagaManager |
A SagaManager implementation that processes Sagas asynchronously.
AsyncSagaCreationElector |
Manages the election of which asynchronous saga event processor is responsible for creating a new Saga instance,
when necessary.
AsyncSagaEventProcessor |
Processes events by forwarding it to Saga instances "owned" by each processor.
AsyncSagaProcessingEvent |
Placeholder for information required by the AsyncSagaEventProcessor for processing Events.
SagaMethodMessageHandler |
A data holder containing information of
SagaEventHandler annotated methods. |
SagaMethodMessageHandlerInspector<T extends AbstractAnnotatedSaga> |
Utility class that inspects annotation on a Saga instance and returns the relevant configuration for its Event
Annotation Type | Description |
EndSaga |
Indicates that the annotated
SagaEventHandler method indicates the end of a
Saga instance's lifecycle. |
SagaEventHandler |
Method-level annotation indicating that the annotated method i an event handler method for the saga instance.
StartSaga |
Indicates that the annotated
SagaEventHandler method can trigger the
creation of a new Saga instance. |
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