Interface | Description |
AssociationValueResolver |
Interface describing the mechanism that resolves Association Values from events.
AssociationValues |
Interface describing a container of
Association Values for a single Saga instance. |
ResourceInjector |
Interface describing a mechanism to inject resources into Saga instances.
Saga |
Interface describing an implementation of a Saga.
SagaFactory |
Interface describing a mechanism that creates implementations of a Saga.
SagaManager |
Interface toward the Manager of one or more types of Saga.
SagaRepository |
Interface towards the storage mechanism of Saga instances.
Class | Description |
AbstractSagaManager |
Abstract implementation of the SagaManager interface that provides basic functionality required by most SagaManager
AssociationValue |
A combination of key and value by which a Saga can be found.
GenericSagaFactory |
SagaFactory implementation that uses the default (no-arg) constructor on the saga to initialize.
SagaInitializationPolicy |
Describes the conditions under which a Saga should be created, and which AssociationValue it should be initialized
SimpleResourceInjector |
Resource injector that uses setter methods to inject resources.
SimpleSagaManager |
Simple SagaManager implementation.
Enum | Description |
SagaCreationPolicy |
Enumeration containing the possible Creation Policies for Sagas.
Exception | Description |
SagaStorageException |
Exception indicating that an error has occurred while storing a Saga.
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