Annotation Type CommandHandlingMemberCollection

public @interface CommandHandlingMemberCollection

Marker annotation for field that contain an Entity capable of handling Commands on behalf of the aggregate. When a field is annotated with @CommandHandlerMember, it is a hint towards Command Handler discovery mechanisms that the entity should also be inspected for {@link org.axonframework.commandhandling.annotation.CommandHandler

Allard Buijze

Required Element Summary
 String commandTargetProperty
          The name of the property on the incoming command's payload that identifies the intended target of the command.
 String entityId
          The name of the property on the entity that provides the identifier of that entity.
Optional Element Summary
 Class<? extends AbstractAnnotatedEntity> entityType
          The type of entity contained in the annotated collection.

Element Detail


public abstract String entityId
The name of the property on the entity that provides the identifier of that entity.

The name of this method must correspond with the getter method using the JavaBean specification (property 'id' is accessed using method 'getId()'), or any other specification supported by a configured PropertyAccessStrategy.


public abstract String commandTargetProperty
The name of the property on the incoming command's payload that identifies the intended target of the command.

The name of this method must correspond with the getter method using the JavaBean specification (property 'id' is accessed using method 'getId()'), or any other specification supported by a configured PropertyAccessStrategy.


public abstract Class<? extends AbstractAnnotatedEntity> entityType
The type of entity contained in the annotated collection. By default, Axon attempts to identify the type by the generic parameters on the field declaration.


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