Package org.axonframework.commandhandling.annotation

Classes that provide annotation support for command handling.


Class Summary
AggregateAnnotationCommandHandler<T extends AggregateRoot> Command handler that handles commands based on CommandHandler annotations on an aggregate.
AggregateAnnotationCommandHandlerFactoryBean<T extends AggregateRoot<?>> Spring FactoryBean that creates an AggregateAnnotationCommandHandler instance.
AggregateCommandHandlerInspector<T extends AggregateRoot> Handler inspector that finds annotated constructors and methods on a given aggregate type and provides handlers for those methods.
AnnotationCommandHandlerAdapter Adapter that turns any @CommandHandler annotated bean into a CommandHandler implementation.
AnnotationCommandHandlerBeanPostProcessor Spring Bean post processor that automatically generates an adapter for each bean containing CommandHandler annotated methods.
AnnotationCommandTargetResolver CommandTargetResolver that uses annotations on the command to identify the methods that provide the Aggregate Identifier of the targeted Aggregate and optionally the expected version of the aggregate.
CommandMessageHandlerUtils Utility class that resolves the name of a Command accepted by a given handler.
ConstructorCommandMessageHandler<T extends AggregateRoot> Command Handler that creates a new aggregate instance by invoking that aggregate's constructor.
CurrentUnitOfWorkParameterResolverFactory ParameterResolverFactory that add support for the UnitOfWork parameter type in annotated handlers.

Annotation Types Summary
CommandHandler Marker annotation to mark any method on an object as being a CommandHandler.
CommandHandlingMember Marker annotation for field that contain an Entity capable of handling Commands on behalf of the aggregate.
CommandHandlingMemberCollection Marker annotation for field that contain an Entity capable of handling Commands on behalf of the aggregate.
CommandHandlingMemberMap Marker annotation for fields that contain a Map of Entities capable of handling Commands on behalf of the aggregate.
TargetAggregateIdentifier Field or method level annotation that marks a field or method providing the identifier of the aggregate that a command targets.
TargetAggregateVersion Field or method level annotation that marks a field or method providing the expected version of the aggregate that a command targets.

Package org.axonframework.commandhandling.annotation Description

Classes that provide annotation support for command handling.

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