Uses of Class

Packages that use ConsistentHash

Uses of ConsistentHash in org.axonframework.commandhandling.distributed

Methods in org.axonframework.commandhandling.distributed that return ConsistentHash
static ConsistentHash ConsistentHash.emptyRing()
          Returns an instance of an empty Ring, which can be used to add members.
 ConsistentHash ConsistentHash.withAdditionalNode(String nodeName, int segmentCount, Set<String> supportedCommandTypes)
          Returns a ConsistentHash with the given additional nodeName, which is given segmentCount segments on the ring.
 ConsistentHash ConsistentHash.withExclusively(Collection<String> nodes)
          Returns a ConsistentHash instance where only segments leading to the given nodes are available.

Uses of ConsistentHash in org.axonframework.commandhandling.distributed.jgroups

Methods in org.axonframework.commandhandling.distributed.jgroups that return ConsistentHash
 ConsistentHash JGroupsConnector.getConsistentHash()
          Returns the consistent hash on which current assignment of commands to nodes is being executed.

Methods in org.axonframework.commandhandling.distributed.jgroups with parameters of type ConsistentHash
 void HashChangeListener.hashChanged(ConsistentHash newHash)
          Invoked when the memberships of a consistent hash have changed.

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