Package org.axonframework.commandhandling.distributed

Interface Summary
CommandBusConnector Interface describing the component that remotely connects multiple CommandBus instances.
RoutingStrategy Interface describing a mechanism that generates a routing key for a given command.

Class Summary
AbstractRoutingStrategy Abstract implementation of the RoutingStrategy interface that uses a policy to prescribe what happens when a routing cannot be resolved.
AnnotationRoutingStrategy RoutingStrategy that expects an TargetAggregateIdentifier annotation on the command message's payload.
ConsistentHash Basic implementation of a Consistent Hashing algorithm, using the MD5 algorithm to build the hash values for given keys and node names.
ConsistentHash.Member Represents a member in a consistently hashed cluster.
DistributedCommandBus Implementation of a CommandBus that is aware of multiple instances of a CommandBus working together to spread load.
MetaDataRoutingStrategy RoutingStrategy implementation that uses the value in the MetaData of a CommandMessage assigned to a given key.

Enum Summary

Exception Summary
CommandDispatchException Exception indicating that an error has occurred while trying to dispatch a command to another (potentially remote) segment of the CommandBus.
RemoteCommandHandlingException Exception indicating that an error has occurred while remotely handling a command.

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