Uses of Interface

Packages that use ClusterSelector
org.axonframework.eventhandling Classes related to event handling and dispatching, such as Event Listeners and the Event Bus

Uses of ClusterSelector in org.axonframework.eventhandling

Classes in org.axonframework.eventhandling that implement ClusterSelector
 class AbstractClusterSelector
          Abstract implementation of the ClusterSelector interface that detects proxies and passes the actual Class of the Event Listener implementation.
 class AnnotationClusterSelector
          Cluster Selector implementation that selects a cluster if an Annotation is present on the Event Listener class.
 class AutowiringClusterSelector
          Cluster selector implementation that uses a Spring Application Context to find all selector beans available.
 class ClassNamePatternClusterSelector
          ClusterSelector implementation that chooses a Cluster based on whether the Listener's Class Name matches a given Pattern.
 class ClassNamePrefixClusterSelector
          ClusterSelector implementation that chooses a Cluster based on a mapping of the Listener's Class Name.
 class CompositeClusterSelector
          ClusterSelector implementation that delegates the selection to a list of other ClusterSelectors.
 class DefaultClusterSelector
          ClusterSelector implementation that always selects the same cluster.

Constructors in org.axonframework.eventhandling with parameters of type ClusterSelector
ClusteringEventBus(ClusterSelector clusterSelector)
          Initializes a ClusteringEventBus with the given clusterSelector and a SimpleEventBusTerminal, which dispatches all events to all local clusters synchronously.
ClusteringEventBus(ClusterSelector clusterSelector, EventBusTerminal terminal)
          Initializes a ClusteringEventBus with the given clusterSelector and a terminal.

Constructor parameters in org.axonframework.eventhandling with type arguments of type ClusterSelector
CompositeClusterSelector(List<ClusterSelector> delegates)
          Initializes the CompositeClusterSelector with the given List of delegates.

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