Package org.axonframework.eventsourcing.annotation

Class Summary
AbstractAnnotatedAggregateRoot<I> Convenience super type for aggregate roots that have their event handler methods annotated with the EventSourcingHandler annotation (and EventHandler for backwards compatibility).
AbstractAnnotatedEntity Convenience super type for entities (other than aggregate roots) that have their event handler methods annotated with the EventHandler annotation.
AggregateAnnotationInspector Inspects objects to find aggregate specific annotations, such as AggregateIdentifier and EventSourcedMember.

Annotation Types Summary
AggregateIdentifier Field annotation that indicates the field contains the identifier of the Aggregate.
EventSourcedMember Field-level annotation that indicates the objects referred to in the field are a child of the current entity.
EventSourcingHandler Annotation that marks a method in an Aggregate (either the root, or an entity) as a handler for Events generated by that aggregate.

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