Package org.axonframework.eventsourcing

Classes related to event sourcing.


Interface Summary
AggregateFactory<T extends EventSourcedAggregateRoot> Interface describing objects capable of creating instances of aggregates to be initialized with an event stream.
ConflictResolver Interface describing an object that is capable of detecting conflicts between changes applied to an aggregate, and unseen changes made to the aggregate.
EventSourcedAggregateRoot<I> Aggregate that can be initialized using a DomainEventStream.
EventSourcedEntity Interface towards an Event Sourced Entity that is part of an aggregate, but not its root.
EventStreamDecorator Interface describing a class that can decorates DomainEventStreams when events for aggregates are read or appended.
Snapshotter Interface describing instances that are capable of creating snapshot events for aggregates.
SnapshotterTrigger Interface for Event Stream Decorators that have the intent to trigger snapshots.

Class Summary
AbstractAggregateFactory<T extends EventSourcedAggregateRoot> Abstract AggregateFactory implementation that is aware of snapshot events.
AbstractEventSourcedAggregateRoot<I> Abstract convenience class to be extended by all aggregate roots.
AbstractEventSourcedEntity Base class for Event Sourced entities that are not at the root of the aggregate.
AbstractSnapshotter Abstract implementation of the Snapshotter that uses a task executor to creates snapshots.
AggregateSnapshotter Implementation of a snapshotter that uses the actual aggregate and its state to create a snapshot event.
CachingEventSourcingRepository<T extends EventSourcedAggregateRoot> Implementation of the event sourcing repository that uses a cache to improve loading performance.
CompositeEventStreamDecorator EventStreamDecorator implementation that delegates to several other decorator instances.
EventCountSnapshotterTrigger Snapshotter trigger mechanism that counts the number of events to decide when to create a snapshot.
EventSourcingRepository<T extends EventSourcedAggregateRoot> Abstract repository implementation that allows easy implementation of an Event Sourcing mechanism.
GenericAggregateFactory<T extends EventSourcedAggregateRoot> Aggregate factory that uses a convention to create instances of aggregates.
HybridJpaRepository<T extends AggregateRoot> Repository that stores both a (JPA based) relational model of the current state of an aggregate and the events produced by that aggregate.
SpringAggregateSnapshotter Implementation of the AggregateSnapshotter that eases the configuration when used within a Spring Application Context.
SpringPrototypeAggregateFactory<T extends EventSourcedAggregateRoot> AggregateFactory implementation that uses Spring prototype beans to create new uninitialized instances of Aggregates.

Exception Summary
AggregateDeletedException Special case of the AggregateNotFoundException that indicates that historic information of an aggregate was found, but the aggregate has been deleted.
IncompatibleAggregateException Exception indicating that an aggregate was not compatible with the requirements of the GenericAggregateFactory.

Package org.axonframework.eventsourcing Description

Classes related to event sourcing. This includes repositories that use event stores to store and load events, as well as the aggregates that support state reconstruction based on event streams.

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