Package org.axonframework.eventstore.fs

Package containing classes necessary to implement a FileSystem based implementation of the EventStore


Interface Summary
EventFileResolver Interface that allows basic access to InputStreams and appending OutputStreams to event logs for aggregates.

Class Summary
FileSystemBufferedReaderDomainEventStream DomainEventStream implementation that reads DomainEvents from the filesystem using an InputStream.
FileSystemEventMessageReader Reads events from the file system returns an event in a raw form as SerializedDomainEventData.
FileSystemEventMessageWriter Writes a domain event message to the given DataOutput.
FileSystemEventStore Implementation of the EventStore that serializes objects (by default using XStream) and writes them to files to disk.
FileSystemSnapshotEventReader Reads the latest snapshot event from a given FileSystemSnapshotEventReader.snapshotEventFile and skips the correct number of bytes in the given FileSystemSnapshotEventReader.eventFile.
FileSystemSnapshotEventWriter Writes snapshot events to the given FileSystemSnapshotEventWriter.snapshotEventFile.
SimpleEventFileResolver Very straightforward implementation of the EventFileResolver that stores files in a directory structure underneath a given base directory.

Package org.axonframework.eventstore.fs Description

Package containing classes necessary to implement a FileSystem based implementation of the EventStore

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