Package org.axonframework.eventstore.jdbc

JDBC Implementation of the EventStore.


Interface Summary
EventEntryStore<T> Interface describing the mechanism that stores Events into the backing data store.
EventSqlSchema<T> Interface describing the operations that the JDBC Event Store needs to do on a backing database.

Class Summary
DefaultEventEntryStore<T> Implementation of the EventEntryStore that stores events in DomainEventEntry table and snapshot events in SnapshotEventEntry table.
JdbcEventStore An EventStore implementation that uses JPA to store DomainEvents in a database.
JdbcSQLErrorCodesResolver SQLErrorCodesResolver is an implementation of PersistenceExceptionResolver used to resolve sql error codes to see if it is an duplicate key constraint violation.
PostgresEventSqlSchema<T> SQL schema supporting postgres databases.
SchemaConfiguration SchemaConfiguration allows specification of custom storage locations for domain event and snapshot event entries.

Package org.axonframework.eventstore.jdbc Description

JDBC Implementation of the EventStore. This package contains all classes needed to provide such an implementation

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