Package org.axonframework.repository

Classes related to the repository interface and implementations.


Interface Summary
LockManager Interface to the lock manager.
Repository<T> The repository provides an abstraction of the storage of aggregates.

Class Summary
AbstractRepository<T extends AggregateRoot> Abstract implementation of the Repository that takes care of the dispatching of events when an aggregate is persisted.
GenericJpaRepository<T extends AggregateRoot> Generic repository implementation that stores JPA annotated aggregates.
LockingRepository<T extends AggregateRoot> Implementation of the Repository interface that takes provides a locking mechanism to prevent concurrent modifications of persisted aggregates.
NullLockManager LockManager implementation that does nothing.
OptimisticLockManager Implementation of the LockManager that uses an optimistic locking strategy.
PessimisticLockManager Implementation of the LockManager that uses a pessimistic locking strategy.

Exception Summary
AggregateNotFoundException Exception indicating that the an aggregate could not be found in the repository.
ConcurrencyException Exception indicating that concurrent access to a repository was detected.
ConflictingAggregateVersionException Exception indicating that the (actual) version of a loaded aggregate did not match the given expected version number.
ConflictingModificationException Root of a hierarchy of exceptions indicating the detection of conflicting concurrent modifications.

Package org.axonframework.repository Description

Classes related to the repository interface and implementations. This package is focused on the general repository implementations, regardless of how they actually store the aggregates.

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