Package org.axonframework.saga

Interface Summary
AssociationValueResolver Interface describing the mechanism that resolves Association Values from events.
AssociationValues Interface describing a container of Association Values for a single Saga instance.
ResourceInjector Interface describing a mechanism to inject resources into Saga instances.
Saga Interface describing an implementation of a Saga.
SagaFactory Interface describing a mechanism that creates implementations of a Saga.
SagaManager Interface toward the Manager of one or more types of Saga.
SagaRepository Interface towards the storage mechanism of Saga instances.

Class Summary
AbstractReplayAwareSagaManager Abstract implementation of the SagaManager interface that provides basic functionality required by most SagaManager implementations.
AbstractSagaManager Abstract implementation of the SagaManager interface that provides basic functionality required by most SagaManager implementations.
AssociationValue A combination of key and value by which a Saga can be found.
GenericSagaFactory SagaFactory implementation that uses the default (no-arg) constructor on the saga to initialize.
SagaInitializationPolicy Describes the conditions under which a Saga should be created, and which AssociationValue it should be initialized with.
SimpleResourceInjector Resource injector that uses setter methods to inject resources.
SimpleSagaManager Simple SagaManager implementation.

Enum Summary
SagaCreationPolicy Enumeration containing the possible Creation Policies for Sagas.

Exception Summary
SagaStorageException Exception indicating that an error has occurred while storing a Saga.

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