Package org.axonframework.saga.annotation

Interface Summary
ErrorHandler Defines the behavior of a component when an error occurs during Event Processing in a Saga.

Class Summary
AbstractAnnotatedSaga Implementation of the interface that delegates incoming events to @SagaEventHandler annotated methods.
AnnotatedSagaManager Implementation of the SagaManager that uses annotations on the Sagas to describe the lifecycle management.
AssociationValuesImpl Default implementation of the AssociationValues interface.
AsyncAnnotatedSagaManager A SagaManager implementation that processes Sagas asynchronously.
AsyncSagaCreationElector Manages the election of which asynchronous saga event processor is responsible for creating a new Saga instance, when necessary.
AsyncSagaEventProcessor Processes events by forwarding it to Saga instances "owned" by each processor.
AsyncSagaProcessingEvent Placeholder for information required by the AsyncSagaEventProcessor for processing Events.
ProceedingErrorHandler ErrorHandler implementation that logs the error and proceeds with the next event.
RetryingErrorHandler ErrorHandler implementation that retries Events on non-transient exceptions.
RetryingErrorHandler.TimeoutConfiguration Definition of a timeout to use for a specific range of retries
SagaMethodMessageHandler A data holder containing information of SagaEventHandler annotated methods.
SagaMethodMessageHandlerInspector<T extends AbstractAnnotatedSaga> Utility class that inspects annotation on a Saga instance and returns the relevant configuration for its Event Handlers.

Annotation Types Summary
EndSaga Indicates that the annotated SagaEventHandler method indicates the end of a Saga instance's lifecycle.
SagaEventHandler Method-level annotation indicating that the annotated method i an event handler method for the saga instance.
StartSaga Indicates that the annotated SagaEventHandler method can trigger the creation of a new Saga instance.

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