Uses of Interface

Packages that use ContentTypeConverter

Uses of ContentTypeConverter in org.axonframework.serializer

Classes in org.axonframework.serializer that implement ContentTypeConverter
 class AbstractContentTypeConverter<S,T>
          Abstract implementation of the ContentTypeConverter for convenience purposes.
 class ChainedConverter<S,T>
          A converter that delegates to a chain of other ContentTypeConverters to convert from a source to a target for which there is not necessarily a single converter available.

Methods in org.axonframework.serializer that return ContentTypeConverter
<S,T> ContentTypeConverter<S,T>
ConverterFactory.getConverter(Class<S> sourceContentType, Class<T> targetContentType)
          Returns a converter that is capable of converting IntermediateRepresentation object containing the given sourceContentType to the given targetContentType.
<S,T> ContentTypeConverter<S,T>
ChainingConverterFactory.getConverter(Class<S> sourceContentType, Class<T> targetContentType)

Methods in org.axonframework.serializer with parameters of type ContentTypeConverter
 void ChainingConverterFactory.registerConverter(ContentTypeConverter converter)
          Registers the given converter with this factory.

Method parameters in org.axonframework.serializer with type arguments of type ContentTypeConverter
<S,T> ChainedConverter<S,T>
ChainedConverter.calculateChain(Class<S> sourceType, Class<T> targetType, Collection<ContentTypeConverter<?,?>> candidates)
          Returns a converter that can convert an IntermediateRepresentation from the given sourceType to the given targetType using a chain formed with given candidates.
<S,T> boolean
ChainedConverter.canConvert(Class<S> sourceContentType, Class<T> targetContentType, List<ContentTypeConverter<?,?>> converters)
          Indicates whether this converter is capable of converting the given sourceContentType into targetContentType, using the given converters.
 void ChainingConverterFactory.registerConverter(Class<? extends ContentTypeConverter> converterType)
          Registers a convert of the given converterType with this factory, only if initialization of such a converter is possible.
 void ChainingConverterFactory.setAdditionalConverters(List<ContentTypeConverter> additionalConverters)
          Setter for dependency injection frameworks that require property methods.

Constructor parameters in org.axonframework.serializer with type arguments of type ContentTypeConverter
ChainedConverter(List<ContentTypeConverter> delegates)
          Creates a new instance that uses the given delegates to form a chain of converters.

Uses of ContentTypeConverter in org.axonframework.serializer.bson

Classes in org.axonframework.serializer.bson that implement ContentTypeConverter
 class DBObjectToStringContentTypeConverter
          ContentTypeConverter implementation that converts a DBObject structure into a String containing its Binary JSON representation.
 class StringToDBObjectContentTypeConverter
          ContentTypeConverter implementation that converts a String containing its Binary JSON representation into a DBObject structure.

Uses of ContentTypeConverter in org.axonframework.serializer.converters

Classes in org.axonframework.serializer.converters that implement ContentTypeConverter
 class BlobToInputStreamConverter
 class ByteArrayToInputStreamConverter
          ContentTypeConverter that converts byte arrays into InputStream.
 class ByteArrayToStringConverter
          ContentTypeConverter that converts byte arrays into Strings.
 class InputStreamToByteArrayConverter
          Converter that converts an InputStream to a byte array.
 class StringToByteArrayConverter
          ContentTypeConverter that converts String into byte arrays.

Uses of ContentTypeConverter in org.axonframework.serializer.json

Classes in org.axonframework.serializer.json that implement ContentTypeConverter
 class ByteArrayToJsonNodeConverter
          ContentTypeConverter implementation that converts byte[] containing UTF8 encoded JSON string to a Jackson JsonNode.
 class JsonNodeToByteArrayConverter
          ContentTypeConverter implementation that converts a JsonNode object into a byte[].

Uses of ContentTypeConverter in org.axonframework.serializer.xml

Classes in org.axonframework.serializer.xml that implement ContentTypeConverter
 class Dom4JToByteArrayConverter
          Converter that converts Dom4j Document instances to a byte array.
 class InputStreamToDom4jConverter
          Converter that converts an input stream to a Dom4J document.
 class InputStreamToXomConverter
          Converter that converts an input stream to a XOM document.
 class XomToStringConverter
          Converter that converts XOM Document instances to a String.

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