Package org.axonframework.test.matchers

Interface Summary
FieldFilter The FieldFilter indicates whether any given Field should be accepted for processing or not.

Class Summary
AllFieldsFilter FieldFilter implementation that accepts all Fields.
EmptyCollectionMatcher Matches any empty collection.
EqualFieldsMatcher<T> Matcher that will match an Object if all the fields on that Object contain values equal to the same field in the expected instance.
ExactSequenceMatcher A matcher that will match if all the given matchers against the event in a list at their respective index.
IgnoreField FieldFilter implementation that rejects a given Field
ListMatcher Abstract implementation for matchers that use event-specific matchers to match against a list of items.
ListWithAllOfMatcher A matcher that will match if all the given matchers match against at least one item in a given List.
ListWithAnyOfMatcher A matcher that will match if all the given matchers match against at least one item in a given List.
MatchAllFieldFilter FieldFilter that delegates to an arbitrary number of other filters.
Matchers Utility class containing static methods to obtain instances of (List) Matchers.
NonTransientFieldsFilter FieldFilter implementation that only accepts non-transient Fields.
NullOrVoidMatcher<T> Matcher that matches against a null or void value.
PayloadMatcher<T extends Message> Matcher that matches any message (e.g.
PayloadsMatcher Matches a list of Messages if the list of their payloads matches the given matcher..
SequenceMatcher A matcher that will match if all the given matchers each match against an item that the previous matcher matched against.

Exception Summary
MatcherExecutionException Exception indicating that an error occurred that prevented successful execution of a matcher.

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