Package org.axonframework.test.saga

Interface Summary
ContinuedGivenState Interface describing methods that can be executed after the first "given" state has been supplied.
FixtureConfiguration Interface describing action to perform on a Saga Test Fixture during the configuration phase.
FixtureExecutionResult Interface towards an object that contains the results of a Fixture execution.
GivenAggregateEventPublisher Interface to an object that publishes events on behalf of an aggregate.
WhenAggregateEventPublisher Interface to an object that publishes events on behalf of an aggregate.
WhenState Interface providing an API to methods in the "when" state of the fixture execution.

Class Summary
AnnotatedSagaTestFixture Fixture for testing Annotated Sagas based on events and time passing.
CommandValidator Helper class for validation of dispatched commands.
DescriptionUtils Utility class for creating a description.
EventSchedulerValidator Helper class for validating evets scheduled in a given event scheduler.
EventValidator Helper class for validating events published on a given EventBus.
FixtureExecutionResultImpl Default implementation of FixtureExecutionResult.
RepositoryContentValidator Helper class for the validation of Saga Repository content.

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