Package org.axonframework.unitofwork

Classes in support of the UnitOfWork pattern in Axon Framework.


Interface Summary
SaveAggregateCallback<T extends AggregateRoot> Callback used by UnitOfWork instances to be invoked when the UnitOfWork wishes to store an aggregate.
TransactionManager<T> Interface towards a mechanism that manages transactions

Typically, this will involve opening database transactions or connecting to external systems.

UnitOfWork This class represents a UnitOfWork in which modifications are made to aggregates.
UnitOfWorkFactory The UnitOfWorkFactory interface is used to obtain UnitOfWork instances to manage activity in command handling processes.
UnitOfWorkListener Interface describing a listener that is notified of state changes in the UnitOfWork it has been registered with.

Class Summary
CurrentUnitOfWork Default entry point to gain access to the current UnitOfWork.
DefaultUnitOfWork Implementation of the UnitOfWork that buffers all published events until it is committed.
DefaultUnitOfWorkFactory UnitOfWorkFactory implementation that creates instances of the DefaultUnitOfWork.
MetaDataMutatingUnitOfWorkListenerAdapter Specialist UnitOfWorkListenerAdapter that allows modification of Meta Data of Events during the "beforeCommit" phase of a Unit of Work.
NestableUnitOfWork Abstract implementation of the UnitOfWork interface.
NoTransactionManager TransactionManager implementation that does nothing.
SpringTransactionManager TransactionManager implementation that uses a PlatformTransactionManager as underlying transaction manager.
UnitOfWorkListenerAdapter Abstract implementation of the UnitOfWorkListener that provides empty implementation of all methods declared in UnitOfWorkListener.
UnitOfWorkListenerCollection This class is responsible for notifying registered listeners in a specific order of precedence.

Package org.axonframework.unitofwork Description

Classes in support of the UnitOfWork pattern in Axon Framework.

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