Package org.axonframework.upcasting

Interface Summary
ExtendedUpcaster<T> Extension of the Upcaster interface that allows type upcasting to be based on the contents of the serialized object.
Upcaster<T> Interface for Upcasters.
UpcasterAware Interface indicating that the implementing mechanism is aware of Upcasters.
UpcasterChain Represents a series of upcasters which are combined to upcast a SerializedObject to the most recent revision of that payload.
UpcastingContext Interface describing an object that provides contextual information about the object being upcast.

Class Summary
AbstractSingleEntryUpcaster<T> Abstract implementation of an upcaster that only needs to convert one serialized object to another using the same representation.
AbstractUpcasterChain Abstract implementation of the UpcasterChain interface.
LazyUpcasterChain UpcasterChain implementation that delays the actual upcasting until the data inside the returned SerializedObject is actually fetched.
SerializedDomainEventUpcastingContext Implementation of UpcastingContext that builds a context based on the information of a serialized domain event
SimpleUpcasterChain Represents a series of upcasters which are combined to upcast a SerializedObject to the most recent revision of that payload.
UpcastSerializedDomainEventData<T> SerializedDomainEventData implementation that can be used to duplicate existing SerializedDomainEventData instances after upcasting a payload.
UpcastUtils Utility class that optimizes tasks related to upcasting.

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