Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AssociationValue |
Returns the initial association value for a newly created saga.
protected AssociationValue |
SimpleSagaManager.initialAssociationValue(EventMessage event)
Returns the association value to assign to a Saga when the given
event triggers the creation of
a new instance. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Set<AssociationValue> |
Returns the Set of association values that have been added since the last
AssociationValues.commit() . |
Set<AssociationValue> |
Returns this instance as a Set of Association Values.
protected Set<AssociationValue> |
SimpleSagaManager.extractAssociationValues(Class<? extends Saga> type,
EventMessage event) |
protected abstract Set<AssociationValue> |
AbstractSagaManager.extractAssociationValues(Class<? extends Saga> sagaType,
EventMessage event)
Extracts the AssociationValues from the given
event as relevant for a Saga of given
sagaType . |
Set<AssociationValue> |
AssociationValueResolver.extractAssociationValues(EventMessage event)
Extracts an Association Value from the given
event . |
Set<AssociationValue> |
Returns the Set of association values that have been removed since the last
AssociationValues.commit() . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
AssociationValues.add(AssociationValue associationValue)
Adds the given
associationValue , if it has not been previously added. |
boolean |
AssociationValues.contains(AssociationValue associationValue)
Indicates whether this instance contains the given
associationValue . |
Set<String> |
SagaRepository.find(Class<? extends Saga> type,
AssociationValue associationValue)
Find saga instances of the given
type that have been associated with the given
associationValue . |
boolean |
AssociationValues.remove(AssociationValue associationValue)
Removes the given
associationValue , if it is contained by this instance. |
Constructor and Description |
SagaInitializationPolicy(SagaCreationPolicy creationPolicy,
AssociationValue initialAssociationValue)
Creates an instance using the given
creationPolicy and initialAssociationValue . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AssociationValue |
SagaMethodMessageHandler.getAssociationValue(EventMessage eventMessage)
The AssociationValue to find the saga instance with, or
null if no AssociationValue can be found on
the given eventMessage . |
AssociationValue |
Returns the association to assign to an event when handling an incoming event that creates a Saga.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Set<AssociationValue> |
AssociationValuesImpl.addedAssociations() |
Set<AssociationValue> |
AssociationValuesImpl.asSet() |
protected Set<AssociationValue> |
AnnotatedSagaManager.extractAssociationValues(Class<? extends Saga> sagaType,
EventMessage event) |
Set<AssociationValue> |
Returns all association values that could potentially link a saga instance with the incoming event.
Iterator<AssociationValue> |
AssociationValuesImpl.iterator() |
Set<AssociationValue> |
AssociationValuesImpl.removedAssociations() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
AssociationValuesImpl.add(AssociationValue associationValue) |
protected void |
AbstractAnnotatedSaga.associateWith(AssociationValue property)
Registers a AssociationValue with the given saga.
boolean |
AssociationValuesImpl.contains(AssociationValue associationValue) |
boolean |
AssociationValuesImpl.remove(AssociationValue associationValue) |
protected void |
AbstractAnnotatedSaga.removeAssociationWith(AssociationValue property)
Removes the given association from this Saga.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
AssociationValueMap.add(AssociationValue associationValue,
String sagaType,
String sagaIdentifier)
Adds an association between the given
associationValue and sagaIdentifier . |
Set<String> |
CachingSagaRepository.find(Class<? extends Saga> type,
AssociationValue associationValue) |
Set<String> |
AbstractSagaRepository.find(Class<? extends Saga> type,
AssociationValue associationValue) |
protected abstract Set<String> |
AbstractSagaRepository.findAssociatedSagaIdentifiers(Class<? extends Saga> type,
AssociationValue associationValue)
Finds the identifiers of the sagas of given
type associated with the given
associationValue . |
Set<String> |
AssociationValueMap.findSagas(String sagaType,
AssociationValue associationValue)
Returns the identifiers of the Sagas that have been associated with the given
associationValue . |
void |
AssociationValueMap.remove(AssociationValue associationValue,
String sagaType,
String sagaIdentifier)
Removes an association between the given
associationValue and sagaIdentifier . |
protected abstract void |
AbstractSagaRepository.removeAssociationValue(AssociationValue associationValue,
String sagaType,
String sagaIdentifier)
Removes the association value that has been associated with Saga, identified with the given
sagaIdentifier . |
protected abstract void |
AbstractSagaRepository.storeAssociationValue(AssociationValue associationValue,
String sagaType,
String sagaIdentifier)
Store the given
associationValue , which has been associated with given sagaIdentifier . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Set<String> |
InMemorySagaRepository.find(Class<? extends Saga> type,
AssociationValue associationValue) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected Set<String> |
JdbcSagaRepository.findAssociatedSagaIdentifiers(Class<? extends Saga> type,
AssociationValue associationValue) |
protected void |
JdbcSagaRepository.removeAssociationValue(AssociationValue associationValue,
String sagaType,
String sagaIdentifier) |
protected void |
JdbcSagaRepository.storeAssociationValue(AssociationValue associationValue,
String sagaType,
String sagaIdentifier) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AssociationValue |
Returns the association value contained in this entry.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected Set<String> |
JpaSagaRepository.findAssociatedSagaIdentifiers(Class<? extends Saga> type,
AssociationValue associationValue) |
protected void |
JpaSagaRepository.removeAssociationValue(AssociationValue associationValue,
String sagaType,
String sagaIdentifier) |
protected void |
JpaSagaRepository.storeAssociationValue(AssociationValue associationValue,
String sagaType,
String sagaIdentifier) |
Constructor and Description |
AssociationValueEntry(String sagaType,
String sagaIdentifier,
AssociationValue associationValue)
Initialize a new AssociationValueEntry for a saga with given
sagaIdentifier and
associationValue . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected Set<String> |
MongoSagaRepository.findAssociatedSagaIdentifiers(Class<? extends Saga> type,
AssociationValue associationValue) |
protected void |
MongoSagaRepository.removeAssociationValue(AssociationValue associationValue,
String sagaType,
String sagaIdentifier) |
protected void |
MongoSagaRepository.storeAssociationValue(AssociationValue associationValue,
String sagaType,
String sagaIdentifier) |
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