Uses of Interface

Packages that use ConnectionProvider
org.axonframework.eventstore.jdbc JDBC Implementation of the EventStore. 

Uses of ConnectionProvider in org.axonframework.common.jdbc

Classes in org.axonframework.common.jdbc that implement ConnectionProvider
 class DataSourceConnectionProvider
          ConnectionProvider implementation that obtains a connection from a given DataSource.
 class SpringDataSourceConnectionProvider
          ConnectionProvider implementation that is aware of Transaction Managers and provides the connection attached to an active transaction manager, instead of asking a Data Source directly.
 class UnitOfWorkAwareConnectionProviderWrapper
          Wrapper for a ConnectionProvider that checks if a connection is already attached to the Unit of Work, favoring that connection over creating a new one.

Constructors in org.axonframework.common.jdbc with parameters of type ConnectionProvider
UnitOfWorkAwareConnectionProviderWrapper(ConnectionProvider delegate)
          Initializes a ConnectionProvider, using given delegate to create a new instance, when on is not already attached to the Unit of Work.
UnitOfWorkAwareConnectionProviderWrapper(ConnectionProvider delegate, boolean attachAsInheritedResource)
          Initializes a ConnectionProvider, using given delegate to create a new instance, when on is not already attached to the Unit of Work.

Uses of ConnectionProvider in org.axonframework.eventstore.jdbc

Constructors in org.axonframework.eventstore.jdbc with parameters of type ConnectionProvider
DefaultEventEntryStore(ConnectionProvider connectionProvider)
          Initialize the EventEntryStore using a Generic SQL Schema, and given connectionProvider to obtain connections.
DefaultEventEntryStore(ConnectionProvider connectionProvider, EventSqlSchema<T> sqlSchema)
          Initialize the EventEntryStore, fetching connections from the given connectionProvider and executing SQL statements using given sqlSchema.
JdbcEventStore(ConnectionProvider connectionProvider)
          Initialize a JdbcEventStore using the default EntryStore and an XStreamSerializer, which serializes events as XML.

Uses of ConnectionProvider in org.axonframework.saga.repository.jdbc

Constructors in org.axonframework.saga.repository.jdbc with parameters of type ConnectionProvider
JdbcSagaRepository(ConnectionProvider connectionProvider)
          Initializes a Saga Repository, using given connectionProvider to obtain connections to the database, using a Generic SQL Schema.
JdbcSagaRepository(ConnectionProvider connectionProvider, SagaSqlSchema sqldef)
          Initializes a Saga Repository, using given connectionProvider to obtain connections to the database, and given sqldef to execute SQL statements.
JdbcSagaRepository(ConnectionProvider connectionProvider, SagaSqlSchema sqldef, Serializer serializer)
          Initializes a Saga Repository, using given connectionProvider to obtain connections to the database, and given sqldef to execute SQL statements and serializer to serialize Sagas.

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