Uses of Interface

Packages that use Criteria
org.axonframework.eventstore.jdbc JDBC Implementation of the EventStore. 
org.axonframework.eventstore.jpa JPA Implementation of the EventStore. 

Uses of Criteria in org.axonframework.eventhandling.replay

Methods in org.axonframework.eventhandling.replay with parameters of type Criteria
 void ReplayingCluster.startReplay(Criteria criteria)
          Start a replay process on the current thread, only reading events matching the given criteria.
 Future<Void> ReplayingCluster.startReplay(Executor executor, Criteria criteria)
          Starts a replay process using the given executor, only reading events matching the given criteria.

Uses of Criteria in org.axonframework.eventstore.jdbc

Methods in org.axonframework.eventstore.jdbc with parameters of type Criteria
 void JdbcEventStore.visitEvents(Criteria criteria, EventVisitor visitor)

Uses of Criteria in org.axonframework.eventstore.jdbc.criteria

Classes in org.axonframework.eventstore.jdbc.criteria that implement Criteria
 class BinaryOperator
          Implementation of a binary operator for the Jdbc Event Store.
 class CollectionOperator
          Abstract implementation to use for testing whether an item is present in a collection or not.
 class Equals
          Implementation of the EQUALS operator for a Jdbc Event Store.
 class JdbcCriteria
          Abstract implementation of the Criteria interface for a Jdbc Event Store.
 class NotEquals
          Implementations of the NOT EQUALS operator for a Jdbc Event Store.
 class SimpleOperator
          Implementation of all simple operators (i.e.

Methods in org.axonframework.eventstore.jdbc.criteria that return Criteria
 Criteria expression)
 Criteria JdbcProperty.notIn(Object expression)

Methods in org.axonframework.eventstore.jdbc.criteria with parameters of type Criteria
 JdbcCriteria JdbcCriteria.and(Criteria criteria)
 JdbcCriteria JdbcCriteria.or(Criteria criteria)

Uses of Criteria in org.axonframework.eventstore.jpa

Methods in org.axonframework.eventstore.jpa with parameters of type Criteria
 void JpaEventStore.visitEvents(Criteria criteria, EventVisitor visitor)

Uses of Criteria in org.axonframework.eventstore.jpa.criteria

Classes in org.axonframework.eventstore.jpa.criteria that implement Criteria
 class JpaCriteria
          Abstract implementation of the Criteria interface for a JPA Event Store.

Methods in org.axonframework.eventstore.jpa.criteria that return Criteria
 Criteria expression)
 Criteria JpaProperty.notIn(Object expression)

Methods in org.axonframework.eventstore.jpa.criteria with parameters of type Criteria
 JpaCriteria JpaCriteria.and(Criteria criteria)
 JpaCriteria JpaCriteria.or(Criteria criteria)

Uses of Criteria in

Methods in that return Criteria
 Criteria Criteria.and(Criteria criteria)
          Returns a criteria instance where both this and given criteria must match.
 Criteria Property.greaterThan(Object expression)
          Returns a criteria instance where the property must be "greater than" the given expression.
 Criteria Property.greaterThanEquals(Object expression)
          Returns a criteria instance where the property must be "greater than" or "equal to" the given expression.
 Criteria expression)
          Returns a criteria instance where the property must be "in" the given expression.
 Criteria expression)
          Returns a criteria instance where the property must "equal" the given expression.
 Criteria Property.isNot(Object expression)
          Returns a criteria instance where the property must be "not equal to" the given expression.
 Criteria Property.lessThan(Object expression)
          Returns a criteria instance where the property must be "less than" the given expression.
 Criteria Property.lessThanEquals(Object expression)
          Returns a criteria instance where the property must be "less than" or "equal to" the given expression.
 Criteria Property.notIn(Object expression)
          Returns a criteria instance where the property must be "not in" the given expression.
 Criteria Criteria.or(Criteria criteria)
          Returns a criteria instance where either this or the given criteria must match.

Methods in with parameters of type Criteria
 Criteria Criteria.and(Criteria criteria)
          Returns a criteria instance where both this and given criteria must match.
 Criteria Criteria.or(Criteria criteria)
          Returns a criteria instance where either this or the given criteria must match.
 void EventStoreManagement.visitEvents(Criteria criteria, EventVisitor visitor)
          Loads all events available in the event store that match the given criteria and calls EventVisitor.doWithEvent(org.axonframework.domain.DomainEventMessage) for each event found.

Uses of Criteria in org.axonframework.eventstore.mongo

Methods in org.axonframework.eventstore.mongo with parameters of type Criteria
 void MongoEventStore.visitEvents(Criteria criteria, EventVisitor visitor)

Uses of Criteria in org.axonframework.eventstore.mongo.criteria

Classes in org.axonframework.eventstore.mongo.criteria that implement Criteria
 class And
          Representation of an AND operator for Mongo selection criteria.
 class CollectionCriteria
          Implementation of Collection operators for the Mongo Criteria, such as "In" and "NotIn".
 class MongoCriteria
          Abstract class for Mongo-based criteria.
 class Or
          Represents the OR operator for use by the Mongo Event Store.
 class SimpleMongoOperator
          Implementation of the simple Mongo Operators (those without special structural requirements), such as Less Than, Less Than Equals, etc.

Methods in org.axonframework.eventstore.mongo.criteria that return Criteria
 Criteria MongoCriteria.and(Criteria criteria)
 Criteria MongoCriteria.or(Criteria criteria)

Methods in org.axonframework.eventstore.mongo.criteria with parameters of type Criteria
 Criteria MongoCriteria.and(Criteria criteria)
 Criteria MongoCriteria.or(Criteria criteria)

Uses of Criteria in org.axonframework.eventstore.supporting

Methods in org.axonframework.eventstore.supporting with parameters of type Criteria
 void VolatileEventStore.visitEvents(Criteria criteria, EventVisitor visitor)
 void TimestampCutoffReadonlyEventStore.visitEvents(Criteria criteria, EventVisitor visitor)
 void SequenceEventStore.visitEvents(Criteria criteria, EventVisitor visitor)

Uses of Criteria in org.axonframework.mongo3.eventstore

Methods in org.axonframework.mongo3.eventstore with parameters of type Criteria
 void MongoEventStore.visitEvents(Criteria criteria, EventVisitor visitor)

Uses of Criteria in org.axonframework.mongo3.eventstore.criteria

Methods in org.axonframework.mongo3.eventstore.criteria that return Criteria
 Criteria MongoCriteria.and(Criteria criteria)
 Criteria MongoCriteria.or(Criteria criteria)

Methods in org.axonframework.mongo3.eventstore.criteria with parameters of type Criteria
 Criteria MongoCriteria.and(Criteria criteria)
 Criteria MongoCriteria.or(Criteria criteria)

Uses of Criteria in org.axonframework.quickstart

Methods in org.axonframework.quickstart with parameters of type Criteria
 void RunEventReplay.StubEventStore.visitEvents(Criteria criteria, EventVisitor visitor)

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