Uses of Interface

Packages that use Saga
org.axonframework.test.utils A collection of classes which may prove useful when testing Axon-based classes. 

Uses of Saga in org.axonframework.mongo3.saga.repository

Methods in org.axonframework.mongo3.saga.repository that return Saga
 Saga SagaEntry.getSaga(Serializer serializer)
          Returns the Saga instance stored in this entry.
 Saga MongoSagaRepository.load(String sagaIdentifier)

Methods in org.axonframework.mongo3.saga.repository with parameters of type Saga
protected  void MongoSagaRepository.deleteSaga(Saga saga)
protected  void MongoSagaRepository.storeSaga(Saga saga)
protected  void MongoSagaRepository.updateSaga(Saga saga)

Method parameters in org.axonframework.mongo3.saga.repository with type arguments of type Saga
protected  Set<String> MongoSagaRepository.findAssociatedSagaIdentifiers(Class<? extends Saga> type, AssociationValue associationValue)
protected  String MongoSagaRepository.typeOf(Class<? extends Saga> sagaClass)

Constructors in org.axonframework.mongo3.saga.repository with parameters of type Saga
SagaEntry(Saga saga, Serializer serializer)
          Constructs a new SagaEntry for the given saga.

Uses of Saga in org.axonframework.quickstart.saga

Classes in org.axonframework.quickstart.saga that implement Saga
 class ToDoSaga

Uses of Saga in org.axonframework.saga

Methods in org.axonframework.saga with type parameters of type Saga
<T extends Saga>
SagaFactory.createSaga(Class<T> sagaType)
          Create a new instance of a Saga of given type.
<T extends Saga>
GenericSagaFactory.createSaga(Class<T> sagaType)

Methods in org.axonframework.saga that return Saga
 Saga SagaRepository.load(String sagaIdentifier)
          Loads a known Saga instance by its unique identifier.

Methods in org.axonframework.saga that return types with arguments of type Saga
 Set<Class<? extends Saga>> AbstractSagaManager.getManagedSagaTypes()
          Returns the set of Saga types managed by this instance.

Methods in org.axonframework.saga with parameters of type Saga
 void SagaRepository.add(Saga saga)
          Registers a newly created Saga with the Repository.
 void SagaRepository.commit(Saga saga)
          Commits the changes made to the Saga instance.
protected  void AbstractSagaManager.commit(Saga saga)
          Commits the given saga to the registered repository.
 void SimpleResourceInjector.injectResources(Saga saga)
 void ResourceInjector.injectResources(Saga saga)
          Inject required resources into the given saga.
protected  void AbstractSagaManager.preProcessSaga(Saga saga)
          Perform pre-processing of sagas that have been newly created or have been loaded from the repository.

Method parameters in org.axonframework.saga with type arguments of type Saga
protected  Set<AssociationValue> SimpleSagaManager.extractAssociationValues(Class<? extends Saga> type, EventMessage event)
protected abstract  Set<AssociationValue> AbstractSagaManager.extractAssociationValues(Class<? extends Saga> sagaType, EventMessage event)
          Extracts the AssociationValues from the given event as relevant for a Saga of given sagaType.
 Set<String> SagaRepository.find(Class<? extends Saga> type, AssociationValue associationValue)
          Find saga instances of the given type that have been associated with the given associationValue.
protected  SagaInitializationPolicy SimpleSagaManager.getSagaCreationPolicy(Class<? extends Saga> type, EventMessage event)
protected abstract  SagaInitializationPolicy AbstractSagaManager.getSagaCreationPolicy(Class<? extends Saga> sagaType, EventMessage event)
          Returns the Saga Initialization Policy for a Saga of the given sagaType and event.
 boolean SagaFactory.supports(Class<? extends Saga> sagaType)
          Indicates whether or not this factory can create instances of the given sagaType.
 boolean GenericSagaFactory.supports(Class<? extends Saga> sagaType)
          Indicates whether or not this factory can create instances of the given sagaType.

Constructor parameters in org.axonframework.saga with type arguments of type Saga
SimpleSagaManager(Class<? extends Saga> sagaType, SagaRepository sagaRepository, AssociationValueResolver associationValueResolver)
          Initialize a SimpleSagaManager backed by the given resources, using a GenericSagaFactory.
SimpleSagaManager(Class<? extends Saga> sagaType, SagaRepository sagaRepository, AssociationValueResolver associationValueResolver, EventBus eventBus)
          Deprecated. use SimpleSagaManager.SimpleSagaManager(Class, SagaRepository, AssociationValueResolver) and register using EventBus.subscribe(org.axonframework.eventhandling.EventListener)
SimpleSagaManager(Class<? extends Saga> sagaType, SagaRepository sagaRepository, AssociationValueResolver associationValueResolver, SagaFactory sagaFactory)
          Initialize a SimpleSagaManager backed by the given resources.
SimpleSagaManager(Class<? extends Saga> sagaType, SagaRepository sagaRepository, AssociationValueResolver associationValueResolver, SagaFactory sagaFactory, EventBus eventBus)
          Deprecated. use SimpleSagaManager.SimpleSagaManager(Class, SagaRepository, AssociationValueResolver, SagaFactory) and register using EventBus.subscribe(org.axonframework.eventhandling.EventListener)

Uses of Saga in org.axonframework.saga.annotation

Classes in org.axonframework.saga.annotation that implement Saga
 class AbstractAnnotatedSaga
          Implementation of the interface that delegates incoming events to @SagaEventHandler annotated methods.

Methods in org.axonframework.saga.annotation that return types with arguments of type Saga
 Class<? extends Saga> AsyncSagaProcessingEvent.getSagaType()
          Returns the type of Saga being processed.

Methods in org.axonframework.saga.annotation with parameters of type Saga
 RetryPolicy RetryingErrorHandler.onErrorInvoking(Saga saga, EventMessage publishedEvent, int invocationCount, Exception e)
 RetryPolicy ProceedingErrorHandler.onErrorInvoking(Saga saga, EventMessage publishedEvent, int invocationCount, Exception e)
 RetryPolicy ErrorHandler.onErrorInvoking(Saga saga, EventMessage publishedEvent, int invocationCount, Exception exception)
          Invoked when an error occurs when a Saga instance is invoked.
protected  void AnnotatedSagaManager.preProcessSaga(Saga saga)

Method parameters in org.axonframework.saga.annotation with type arguments of type Saga
protected  Set<AssociationValue> AnnotatedSagaManager.extractAssociationValues(Class<? extends Saga> sagaType, EventMessage event)
protected  SagaInitializationPolicy AnnotatedSagaManager.getSagaCreationPolicy(Class<? extends Saga> sagaType, EventMessage event)
 RetryPolicy RetryingErrorHandler.onErrorPreparing(Class<? extends Saga> sagaType, EventMessage<?> publishedEvent, int invocationCount, Exception e)
 RetryPolicy ProceedingErrorHandler.onErrorPreparing(Class<? extends Saga> sagaType, EventMessage<?> publishedEvent, int invocationCount, Exception e)
 RetryPolicy ErrorHandler.onErrorPreparing(Class<? extends Saga> sagaType, EventMessage<?> publishedEvent, int invocationCount, Exception exception)
          Invoked when an error occurs preparing Sagas.

Uses of Saga in org.axonframework.saga.repository

Methods in org.axonframework.saga.repository that return Saga
 Saga CachingSagaRepository.load(String sagaIdentifier)

Methods in org.axonframework.saga.repository with parameters of type Saga
 void CachingSagaRepository.add(Saga saga)
 void AbstractSagaRepository.add(Saga saga)
 void CachingSagaRepository.commit(Saga saga)
 void AbstractSagaRepository.commit(Saga saga)
protected abstract  void AbstractSagaRepository.deleteSaga(Saga saga)
          Remove the given saga as well as all known association values pointing to it from the repository.
protected abstract  void AbstractSagaRepository.storeSaga(Saga saga)
          Stores a newly created Saga instance.
protected abstract  void AbstractSagaRepository.updateSaga(Saga saga)
          Update a stored Saga, by replacing it with the given saga instance.

Method parameters in org.axonframework.saga.repository with type arguments of type Saga
 Set<String> CachingSagaRepository.find(Class<? extends Saga> type, AssociationValue associationValue)
 Set<String> AbstractSagaRepository.find(Class<? extends Saga> type, AssociationValue associationValue)
protected abstract  Set<String> AbstractSagaRepository.findAssociatedSagaIdentifiers(Class<? extends Saga> type, AssociationValue associationValue)
          Finds the identifiers of the sagas of given type associated with the given associationValue.
protected abstract  String AbstractSagaRepository.typeOf(Class<? extends Saga> sagaClass)
          Returns the type identifier to use for the given sagaClass.

Uses of Saga in org.axonframework.saga.repository.inmemory

Methods in org.axonframework.saga.repository.inmemory that return Saga
 Saga InMemorySagaRepository.load(String sagaIdentifier)

Methods in org.axonframework.saga.repository.inmemory with parameters of type Saga
 void InMemorySagaRepository.add(Saga saga)
 void InMemorySagaRepository.commit(Saga saga)

Method parameters in org.axonframework.saga.repository.inmemory with type arguments of type Saga
 Set<String> InMemorySagaRepository.find(Class<? extends Saga> type, AssociationValue associationValue)

Uses of Saga in org.axonframework.saga.repository.jdbc

Methods in org.axonframework.saga.repository.jdbc that return Saga
 Saga JdbcSagaRepository.load(String sagaId)

Methods in org.axonframework.saga.repository.jdbc with parameters of type Saga
protected  void JdbcSagaRepository.deleteSaga(Saga saga)
protected  void JdbcSagaRepository.storeSaga(Saga saga)
protected  void JdbcSagaRepository.updateSaga(Saga saga)

Method parameters in org.axonframework.saga.repository.jdbc with type arguments of type Saga
protected  Set<String> JdbcSagaRepository.findAssociatedSagaIdentifiers(Class<? extends Saga> type, AssociationValue associationValue)
protected  String JdbcSagaRepository.typeOf(Class<? extends Saga> sagaClass)

Uses of Saga in org.axonframework.saga.repository.jpa

Methods in org.axonframework.saga.repository.jpa that return Saga
 Saga SagaEntry.getSaga(Serializer serializer)
          Returns the Saga instance stored in this entry.
 Saga JpaSagaRepository.load(String sagaId)

Methods in org.axonframework.saga.repository.jpa with parameters of type Saga
protected  void JpaSagaRepository.deleteSaga(Saga saga)
protected  void JpaSagaRepository.storeSaga(Saga saga)
protected  void JpaSagaRepository.updateSaga(Saga saga)

Method parameters in org.axonframework.saga.repository.jpa with type arguments of type Saga
protected  Set<String> JpaSagaRepository.findAssociatedSagaIdentifiers(Class<? extends Saga> type, AssociationValue associationValue)
protected  String JpaSagaRepository.typeOf(Class<? extends Saga> sagaClass)

Constructors in org.axonframework.saga.repository.jpa with parameters of type Saga
SagaEntry(Saga saga, Serializer serializer)
          Constructs a new SagaEntry for the given saga.

Uses of Saga in org.axonframework.saga.repository.mongo

Methods in org.axonframework.saga.repository.mongo that return Saga
 Saga SagaEntry.getSaga(Serializer serializer)
          Returns the Saga instance stored in this entry.
 Saga MongoSagaRepository.load(String sagaIdentifier)

Methods in org.axonframework.saga.repository.mongo with parameters of type Saga
protected  void MongoSagaRepository.deleteSaga(Saga saga)
protected  void MongoSagaRepository.storeSaga(Saga saga)
protected  void MongoSagaRepository.updateSaga(Saga saga)

Method parameters in org.axonframework.saga.repository.mongo with type arguments of type Saga
protected  Set<String> MongoSagaRepository.findAssociatedSagaIdentifiers(Class<? extends Saga> type, AssociationValue associationValue)
protected  String MongoSagaRepository.typeOf(Class<? extends Saga> sagaClass)

Constructors in org.axonframework.saga.repository.mongo with parameters of type Saga
SagaEntry(Saga saga, Serializer serializer)
          Constructs a new SagaEntry for the given saga.

Uses of Saga in org.axonframework.saga.spring

Methods in org.axonframework.saga.spring with parameters of type Saga
 void SpringResourceInjector.injectResources(Saga saga)

Uses of Saga in org.axonframework.test.utils

Methods in org.axonframework.test.utils with parameters of type Saga
 void AutowiredResourceInjector.injectResources(Saga saga)

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