Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
DispatchInterceptors<M extends Message<?>>
Composite of
MessageDispatchInterceptor s that apply all interceptors in the order of registration. |
interface |
TargetContextResolver<T extends Message<?>>
Interface towards a mechanism that is capable of resolving the context name to which a
Message should be
routed. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static TargetContextResolver<Message<?>> |
Returns a no-op TargetContextResolver.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Wrapper that allows clients to access a gRPC
Command as a CommandMessage . |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Wrapper that allows clients to access a gRPC
QueryRequest as a QueryMessage . |
class |
Wrapper that allows clients to access a gRPC
QueryResponse as a QueryResponseMessage . |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Wrapper that allows clients to access a gRPC
SubscriptionQuery message as a SubscriptionQueryMessage . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
io.axoniq.axonserver.grpc.SerializedObject |
GrpcPayloadSerializer.apply(Message message) |
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
Represents a Message carrying a command as its payload.
interface |
Message that represents a result from handling a
CommandMessage . |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Implementation of the CommandMessage that takes all properties as constructor parameters.
class |
Generic implementation of
CommandResultMessage . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
CurrentUnitOfWorkParameterResolverFactory.matches(Message message) |
Object |
CurrentUnitOfWorkParameterResolverFactory.resolveParameterValue(Message message) |
Constructor and Description |
GenericCommandMessage(Message<T> delegate,
String commandName)
Create a CommandMessage from the given
delegate message containing payload, metadata and message
identifier, and the given commandName . |
GenericCommandResultMessage(Message<R> delegate)
Creates a new Command Result Message with given
delegate message. |
GenericCommandResultMessage(Message<R> delegate,
Throwable exception)
Creates a Command Result Message with given
delegate message and exception . |
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
SubscribableMessageSourceDefinition<M extends Message<?>>
Definition for a
SubscribableMessageSource . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<M extends Message<?>> |
Configuration.messageMonitor(Class<?> componentType,
String componentName)
Returns the message monitor configured for a component of given
componentType and componentName . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
MessageMonitor<Message<?>> |
MessageMonitorFactory.create(Configuration configuration,
Class<?> componentType,
String componentName)
Function to create a Message Monitor based on the given configuration, component type and component name.
MessageMonitor<? super Message<?>> |
EventProcessingModule.messageMonitor(Class<?> componentType,
String eventProcessorName) |
MessageMonitor<? super Message<?>> |
EventProcessingConfiguration.messageMonitor(Class<?> componentType,
String componentName)
Returns the
MessageMonitor set to the given componentType and componentName registered
within this configuration. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default Configurer |
Configurer.configureMessageMonitor(Class<?> componentType,
Function<Configuration,MessageMonitor<Message<?>>> messageMonitorBuilder)
Configures the builder function to create the Message Monitor for the Message processing components in this
configuration that match the given componentType, unless more specific configuration based on both type and name
is available.
default Configurer |
Configurer.configureMessageMonitor(Class<?> componentType,
String componentName,
Function<Configuration,MessageMonitor<Message<?>>> messageMonitorBuilder)
Configures the builder function to create the Message Monitor for the Message processing components in this
configuration that match the given class and name.
Configurer |
DefaultConfigurer.configureMessageMonitor(Function<Configuration,BiFunction<Class<?>,String,MessageMonitor<Message<?>>>> builder) |
Configurer |
Configurer.configureMessageMonitor(Function<Configuration,BiFunction<Class<?>,String,MessageMonitor<Message<?>>>> messageMonitorFactoryBuilder)
Configures the Message Monitor to use for the Message processing components in this configuration, unless more
specific configuration based on the component's type, or type and name is available.
default EventProcessingConfigurer |
EventProcessingConfigurer.registerMessageMonitor(String eventProcessorName,
Function<Configuration,MessageMonitor<Message<?>>> messageMonitorBuilder)
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
Represents a Message for a Deadline, specified by its deadline name and optionally containing a deadline payload.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Generic implementation of the
DeadlineMessage . |
Constructor and Description |
GenericDeadlineMessage(String deadlineName,
Message<T> delegate,
Supplier<Instant> timestampSupplier)
Constructor to reconstruct a DeadlineMessage using existing data.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
DisruptorUnitOfWork<T extends Message<?>>
Specialized UnitOfWork instance for the
DisruptorCommandBus . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
UnitOfWork<T> |
DisruptorUnitOfWork.transformMessage(Function<T,? extends Message<?>> transformOperator) |
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
Represents a Message that wraps a DomainEvent and an Event representing an important change in the Domain.
interface |
Represents a Message wrapping an Event, which is represented by its payload.
interface |
Represents an
EventMessage containing a TrackingToken . |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Generic implementation of a
DomainEventMessage . |
class |
Generic implementation of the EventMessage interface.
class |
Generic implementation of a
DomainEventMessage that is also a TrackedEventMessage . |
class |
Generic implementation of a
TrackedEventMessage . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static boolean |
ReplayToken.isReplay(Message<?> message)
Indicates whether the given message is "redelivered", as a result of a previous reset.
boolean |
SequenceNumberParameterResolverFactory.SequenceNumberParameterResolver.matches(Message message) |
boolean |
ConcludesBatchParameterResolverFactory.matches(Message<?> message) |
Long |
SequenceNumberParameterResolverFactory.SequenceNumberParameterResolver.resolveParameterValue(Message message) |
Boolean |
ConcludesBatchParameterResolverFactory.resolveParameterValue(Message<?> message) |
Constructor and Description |
GenericDomainEventMessage(String type,
String aggregateIdentifier,
long sequenceNumber,
Message<T> delegate,
Instant timestamp)
Initialize a DomainEventMessage originating from an Aggregate with the given
aggregateIdentifier ,
with given sequenceNumber and payload , metaData and timestamp . |
GenericDomainEventMessage(String type,
String aggregateIdentifier,
long sequenceNumber,
Message<T> delegate,
Supplier<Instant> timestamp)
Initialize a DomainEventMessage originating from an Aggregate using existing data.
GenericEventMessage(Message<T> delegate,
Instant timestamp)
Initializes a
GenericEventMessage with given message as delegate and given timestamp . |
GenericEventMessage(Message<T> delegate,
Supplier<Instant> timestampSupplier)
Constructor to reconstruct an EventMessage using existing data.
GenericTrackedDomainEventMessage(TrackingToken trackingToken,
String type,
String aggregateIdentifier,
long sequenceNumber,
Message<T> delegate,
Instant timestamp)
Initialize a DomainEventMessage originating from an aggregate.
GenericTrackedDomainEventMessage(TrackingToken trackingToken,
String type,
String aggregateIdentifier,
long sequenceNumber,
Message<T> delegate,
Supplier<Instant> timestamp)
Initialize a DomainEventMessage originating from an Aggregate using existing data.
GenericTrackedEventMessage(TrackingToken trackingToken,
Message<T> delegate,
Instant timestamp)
Initializes a
GenericTrackedEventMessage with given message as delegate and given timestamp . |
GenericTrackedEventMessage(TrackingToken trackingToken,
Message<T> delegate,
Supplier<Instant> timestamp)
Creates a GenericTrackedEventMessage with given
trackingToken and delegate event message. |
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
Represents a Message initiating the reset of an Event Handling Component.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Generic implementation of the
ResetContext . |
Constructor and Description |
GenericResetContext(Message<T> message) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
ConflictResolution.matches(Message<?> message) |
ConflictResolver |
ConflictResolution.resolveParameterValue(Message<?> message) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
DefaultInterceptorChain<T extends Message<?>>
Mechanism that takes care of interceptor and handler execution.
interface |
MessageDispatchInterceptor<T extends Message<?>>
Interceptor that allows messages to be intercepted and modified before they are dispatched.
interface |
MessageDispatchInterceptorSupport<T extends Message<?>>
Interface marking components capable of registering Dispatch Interceptors.
interface |
MessageHandler<T extends Message<?>>
Interface for a component that processes Messages.
interface |
MessageHandlerInterceptor<T extends Message<?>>
Workflow interface that allows for customized message handler invocation chains.
interface |
MessageHandlerInterceptorSupport<T extends Message<?>>
Interface marking components capable of registering Handler Interceptors.
interface |
StreamableMessageSource<M extends Message<?>>
Interface for a source of
messages that processors can track. |
interface |
SubscribableMessageSource<M extends Message<?>>
Interface for a source of
messages to which message processors can subscribe. |
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
Message that represents a result of handling some form of request message.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Abstract base class for Messages.
class |
Generic implementation of a
Message that contains the payload and metadata as unserialized values. |
class |
Generic implementation of
ResultMessage . |
class |
Abstract implementation of a
Message that delegates to an existing message. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Message<T> |
Message.andMetaData(Map<String,?> metaData)
Returns a copy of this Message with it MetaData merged with the given
metaData . |
Message<T> |
AbstractMessage.andMetaData(Map<String,?> metaData) |
static Message<?> |
GenericMessage.asMessage(Object payloadOrMessage)
Returns a Message representing the given
payloadOrMessage , either by wrapping it or by returning it
as-is. |
protected Message<T> |
Returns the wrapped message delegate.
Message<T> |
Message.withMetaData(Map<String,?> metaData)
Returns a copy of this Message with the given
metaData . |
Message<T> |
AbstractMessage.withMetaData(Map<String,?> metaData) |
protected Message<T> |
GenericMessage.withMetaData(MetaData metaData) |
protected abstract Message<T> |
AbstractMessage.withMetaData(MetaData metaData)
Returns a new message instance with the same payload and properties as this message but given
metaData . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ScopeAware.send(Message<?> message,
ScopeDescriptor scopeDescription)
Constructor and Description |
GenericResultMessage(Message<R> delegate)
Creates a new ResultMessage with given
delegate message. |
GenericResultMessage(Message<R> delegate,
Throwable exception)
Creates a ResultMessage with given
delegate message and exception . |
MessageDecorator(Message<T> delegate)
Initializes a new decorator with given
delegate message. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
WrappedMessageHandlingMember.canHandle(Message<?> message) |
boolean |
MessageHandlingMember.canHandle(Message<?> message)
Checks if this handler is capable of handling the given
message . |
boolean |
AnnotatedMessageHandlingMember.canHandle(Message<?> message) |
Object |
WrappedMessageHandlingMember.handle(Message<?> message,
T target) |
Object |
MessageHandlingMember.handle(Message<?> message,
T target)
Handles the given
message by invoking the appropriate method on given target . |
Object |
AnnotatedMessageHandlingMember.handle(Message<?> message,
T target) |
Object |
NoMoreInterceptors.handle(Message<?> message,
T target,
MessageHandlingMember<? super T> handler) |
Object |
MessageHandlerInterceptorMemberChain.handle(Message<?> message,
T target,
MessageHandlingMember<? super T> handler)
Handle the given
message by passing it through the interceptors and ultimately to the given
handler on the given target instance. |
boolean |
PayloadParameterResolver.matches(Message message) |
boolean |
FixedValueParameterResolver.matches(Message message) |
boolean |
ParameterResolver.matches(Message<?> message)
Indicates whether this resolver is capable of providing a value for the given
message . |
boolean |
InterceptorChainParameterResolverFactory.matches(Message<?> message) |
protected boolean |
AnnotatedMessageHandlingMember.parametersMatch(Message<?> message)
Checks if the parameter resolvers of this member are compatible with the given
message . |
Object |
PayloadParameterResolver.resolveParameterValue(Message message) |
T |
FixedValueParameterResolver.resolveParameterValue(Message message) |
T |
ParameterResolver.resolveParameterValue(Message<?> message)
Resolves the parameter value to use for the given
message , or null if no suitable
parameter value can be resolved. |
InterceptorChain |
InterceptorChainParameterResolverFactory.resolveParameterValue(Message<?> message) |
protected boolean |
AnnotatedMessageHandlingMember.typeMatches(Message<?> message)
Checks if this member can handle the type of the given
message . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
WrappedMessageHandlingMember.canHandleMessageType(Class<? extends Message> messageType) |
boolean |
MessageHandlingMember.canHandleMessageType(Class<? extends Message> messageType)
Checks if this handlers is capable of handling
Message implementations of the given messageType . |
boolean |
AnnotatedMessageHandlingMember.canHandleMessageType(Class<? extends Message> messageType) |
Constructor and Description |
AnnotatedMessageHandlingMember(Executable executable,
Class<? extends Message> messageType,
Class<?> explicitPayloadType,
ParameterResolverFactory parameterResolverFactory)
Initializes a new instance that will invoke the given
executable (method) on a target to handle a message
of the given messageType . |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
MultiCorrelationDataProvider<T extends Message>
CorrelationDataProvider that combines the data of multiple other correlation providers.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Map<String,?> |
SimpleCorrelationDataProvider.correlationDataFor(Message<?> message) |
Map<String,?> |
MultiCorrelationDataProvider.correlationDataFor(Message<?> message) |
Map<String,?> |
MessageOriginProvider.correlationDataFor(Message<?> message) |
Map<String,?> |
CorrelationDataProvider.correlationDataFor(Message<?> message)
Provides a map with the entries to attach as correlation data to generated messages while processing given
message . |
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
DeadLetter<M extends Message<?>>
Interface describing a dead lettered
Message implementation of generic type M . |
class |
DoNotEnqueue<M extends Message<?>>
EnqueueDecision stating a dead letter should not be enqueued. |
interface |
EnqueueDecision<M extends Message<?>>
A contract towards describing a decision among a
dead letter containing a message of type
M concerning whether to add it to a SequencedDeadLetterQueue . |
interface |
EnqueuePolicy<M extends Message<?>>
class |
GenericDeadLetter<M extends Message<?>>
Generic implementation of the
dead letter allowing any type of Message to be dead
lettered. |
class |
Ignore<M extends Message<?>>
EnqueueDecision stating a dead letter should be ignored. |
class |
InMemorySequencedDeadLetterQueue<M extends Message<?>>
In-memory implementation of the
SequencedDeadLetterQueue . |
static class |
InMemorySequencedDeadLetterQueue.Builder<M extends Message<?>>
Builder class to instantiate an
InMemorySequencedDeadLetterQueue . |
interface |
SequencedDeadLetterProcessor<M extends Message<?>>
Contract describing a component that can process
dead letters that it has enqueued. |
interface |
SequencedDeadLetterQueue<M extends Message<?>>
Interface describing the required functionality for a dead letter queue.
class |
ShouldEnqueue<M extends Message<?>>
EnqueueDecision stating a dead letter should be enqueued. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static <M extends Message<?>> |
Instantiate a builder to construct an
InMemorySequencedDeadLetterQueue . |
static <M extends Message<?>> |
Construct a default
InMemorySequencedDeadLetterQueue . |
static <M extends Message<?>> |
Construct a
DoNotEnqueue defining that a dead letter should not be enqueued at all. |
static <M extends Message<?>> |
Construct a
ShouldEnqueue defining that a dead letter should be enqueued. |
static <M extends Message<?>> |
Decisions.enqueue(Throwable enqueueCause)
Construct a
ShouldEnqueue defining that a dead letter should be enqueued because of
the given enqueueCause . |
static <M extends Message<?>> |
Decisions.enqueue(Throwable enqueueCause,
Function<DeadLetter<? extends M>,MetaData> diagnosticsBuilder)
Construct a
ShouldEnqueue defining that a dead letter should be enqueued because of
the given enqueueCause . |
static <M extends Message<?>> |
Construct a
DoNotEnqueue defining that a dead letter should be evicted from the
queue. |
static <M extends Message<?>> |
Construct an
Ignore defining that a dead letter should remain in the queue. |
static <M extends Message<?>> |
Decisions.requeue(Throwable requeueCause)
Construct a
ShouldEnqueue defining that a dead letter should be requeued because of
the given requeueCause . |
static <M extends Message<?>> |
Decisions.requeue(Throwable requeueCause,
Function<DeadLetter<? extends M>,MetaData> diagnosticsBuilder)
Construct a
ShouldEnqueue defining that a dead letter should be requeued because of
the given requeueCause . |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
BeanValidationInterceptor<T extends Message<?>>
Interceptor that applies JSR303 bean validation on incoming
Message s. |
class |
CorrelationDataInterceptor<T extends Message<?>>
Message interceptor that registers
CorrelationDataProviders with the Unit of Work. |
class |
LoggingInterceptor<T extends Message<?>>
MessageDispatchInterceptor and MessageHandlerInterceptor implementation that logs dispatched and
incoming messages, and their result, to a SLF4J logger. |
class |
TransactionManagingInterceptor<T extends Message<?>>
Interceptor that uses a
TransactionManager to start a new transaction before a Message is handled. |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
BeanValidationInterceptor<T extends Message<?>>
in favor of using
BeanValidationInterceptor which moved
to jakarta. |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Implementation of a QueryResponseMessage that is aware of the requested response type and performs a just-in-time
conversion to ensure the response is formatted as requested.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Object |
UnitOfWorkTimeoutInterceptor.handle(UnitOfWork<? extends Message<?>> unitOfWork,
InterceptorChain interceptorChain) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
AbstractUnitOfWork<T extends Message<?>>
Abstract implementation of the Unit of Work.
class |
BatchingUnitOfWork<T extends Message<?>>
Unit of Work implementation that is able to process a batch of Messages instead of just a single Message.
class |
DefaultUnitOfWork<T extends Message<?>>
Implementation of the UnitOfWork that processes a single message.
class |
MessageProcessingContext<T extends Message<?>>
Maintains the context around the processing of a single Message.
interface |
UnitOfWork<T extends Message<?>>
This class represents a Unit of Work that monitors the processing of a
Message . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static <T extends Message<?>> |
DefaultUnitOfWork.startAndGet(T message)
Starts a new DefaultUnitOfWork instance, registering it a CurrentUnitOfWork.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Map<Message<?>,ExecutionResult> |
Returns a Map of
ExecutionResult per Message. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
BatchingUnitOfWork.isFirstMessage(Message<?> message)
Checks if the given
message is the first of the batch being processed in this unit of work. |
boolean |
BatchingUnitOfWork.isLastMessage(Message<?> message)
Checks if the given
message is the last of the batch being processed in this unit of work. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
UnitOfWork<T> |
UnitOfWork.transformMessage(Function<T,? extends Message<?>> transformOperator)
Transform the Message being processed using the given operator and stores the result.
void |
MessageProcessingContext.transformMessage(Function<T,? extends Message<?>> transformOperator)
Transform the Message being processed using the given operator.
UnitOfWork<T> |
DefaultUnitOfWork.transformMessage(Function<T,? extends Message<?>> transformOperator) |
UnitOfWork<T> |
BatchingUnitOfWork.transformMessage(Function<T,? extends Message<?>> transformOperator) |
Constructor and Description |
BatchingUnitOfWork(T... messages)
Initializes a BatchingUnitOfWork for processing the given batch of
messages . |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
PayloadTypeMessageMonitorWrapper<T extends MessageMonitor<Message<?>> & com.codahale.metrics.MetricSet>
MessageMonitor implementation which creates a new MessageMonitor for every Message payload type
ingested by it. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
MessageMonitor<? extends Message<?>> |
GlobalMetricRegistry.registerComponent(Class<?> componentType,
String componentName)
Registers new metrics to the
MetricRegistry to monitor a component of given componentType . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
MessageMonitor.MonitorCallback |
PayloadTypeMessageMonitorWrapper.onMessageIngested(Message<?> message) |
MessageMonitor.MonitorCallback |
MessageTimerMonitor.onMessageIngested(Message<?> message) |
MessageMonitor.MonitorCallback |
MessageCountingMonitor.onMessageIngested(Message<?> message) |
MessageMonitor.MonitorCallback |
CapacityMonitor.onMessageIngested(Message<?> message) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
PayloadTypeMessageMonitorWrapper<T extends MessageMonitor<Message<?>>>
As of release 4.4, replaced by using
Tag s on the monitor implementations.
Use {@link org.axonframework.micrometer.GlobalMetricRegistry#registerWithConfigurerWithDefaultTags(Configurer) to achieve the same behavior as this implementation. |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static Function<Message<?>,Iterable<io.micrometer.core.instrument.Tag>> |
The function for creating the Micrometer
Tag s based on the message metadata. |
static Function<Message<?>,Iterable<io.micrometer.core.instrument.Tag>> |
The function for creating the Micrometer
Tag s based on the message payload type. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
MessageMonitor<? extends Message<?>> |
GlobalMetricRegistry.registerComponent(Class<?> componentType,
String componentName)
Registers new metrics to the registry to monitor a component of the given
componentType . |
MessageMonitor<? extends Message<?>> |
GlobalMetricRegistry.registerComponentWithDefaultTags(Class<?> componentType,
String componentName)
Registers new metrics to the registry to monitor a component of the given
componentType . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
MessageMonitor.MonitorCallback |
PayloadTypeMessageMonitorWrapper.onMessageIngested(Message<?> message)
MessageMonitor.MonitorCallback |
MessageTimerMonitor.onMessageIngested(Message<?> message) |
MessageMonitor.MonitorCallback |
MessageCountingMonitor.onMessageIngested(Message<?> message) |
MessageMonitor.MonitorCallback |
CapacityMonitor.onMessageIngested(Message<?> message) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static MessageTimerMonitor |
MessageTimerMonitor.buildMonitor(String meterNamePrefix,
io.micrometer.core.instrument.MeterRegistry meterRegistry,
io.micrometer.core.instrument.Clock clock,
Function<Message<?>,Iterable<io.micrometer.core.instrument.Tag>> tagsBuilder)
in favor of using the
MessageTimerMonitor.builder() |
static MessageTimerMonitor |
MessageTimerMonitor.buildMonitor(String meterNamePrefix,
io.micrometer.core.instrument.MeterRegistry meterRegistry,
Function<Message<?>,Iterable<io.micrometer.core.instrument.Tag>> tagsBuilder)
in favor of using the
MessageTimerMonitor.builder() |
static MessageCountingMonitor |
MessageCountingMonitor.buildMonitor(String meterNamePrefix,
io.micrometer.core.instrument.MeterRegistry meterRegistry,
Function<Message<?>,Iterable<io.micrometer.core.instrument.Tag>> tagsBuilder)
Creates a message counting monitor
static EventProcessorLatencyMonitor |
EventProcessorLatencyMonitor.buildMonitor(String meterNamePrefix,
io.micrometer.core.instrument.MeterRegistry meterRegistry,
Function<Message<?>,Iterable<io.micrometer.core.instrument.Tag>> tagsBuilder)
in favor of using the
EventProcessorLatencyMonitor.builder() |
static CapacityMonitor |
CapacityMonitor.buildMonitor(String meterNamePrefix,
io.micrometer.core.instrument.MeterRegistry meterRegistry,
Function<Message<?>,Iterable<io.micrometer.core.instrument.Tag>> tagsBuilder)
Creates a capacity monitor with the default time window 10 minutes
static CapacityMonitor |
CapacityMonitor.buildMonitor(String meterNamePrefix,
io.micrometer.core.instrument.MeterRegistry meterRegistry,
long window,
TimeUnit timeUnit,
io.micrometer.core.instrument.Clock clock,
Function<Message<?>,Iterable<io.micrometer.core.instrument.Tag>> tagsBuilder)
Creates a capacity monitor with the given time window.
static CapacityMonitor |
CapacityMonitor.buildMonitor(String meterNamePrefix,
io.micrometer.core.instrument.MeterRegistry meterRegistry,
long window,
TimeUnit timeUnit,
Function<Message<?>,Iterable<io.micrometer.core.instrument.Tag>> tagsBuilder)
Creates a capacity monitor with the default system clock.
MessageMonitor<? super CommandMessage<?>> |
GlobalMetricRegistry.registerCommandBus(String commandBusName,
Function<Message<?>,Iterable<io.micrometer.core.instrument.Tag>> tagsBuilder)
Registers new metrics to the registry to monitor a
CommandBus using Tag s through the given tagsBuilder . |
MessageMonitor<? super EventMessage<?>> |
GlobalMetricRegistry.registerEventBus(String eventBusName,
Function<Message<?>,Iterable<io.micrometer.core.instrument.Tag>> tagsBuilder)
Registers new metrics to the registry to monitor an
EventBus using Tag s through the given tagsBuilder . |
MessageMonitor<? super EventMessage<?>> |
GlobalMetricRegistry.registerEventProcessor(String eventProcessorName,
Function<Message<?>,Iterable<io.micrometer.core.instrument.Tag>> tagsBuilder)
Please use the
GlobalMetricRegistry.registerEventProcessor(String, Function, Function) instead, which has
separate tags for the latency metric. |
MessageMonitor<? super EventMessage<?>> |
GlobalMetricRegistry.registerEventProcessor(String eventProcessorName,
Function<Message<?>,Iterable<io.micrometer.core.instrument.Tag>> tagsBuilder,
Function<Message<?>,Iterable<io.micrometer.core.instrument.Tag>> latencyTagsBuilder)
Registers new metrics to the registry to monitor an
EventProcessor using Tag s through the given
tagsBuilder . |
MessageMonitor<? super EventMessage<?>> |
GlobalMetricRegistry.registerEventProcessor(String eventProcessorName,
Function<Message<?>,Iterable<io.micrometer.core.instrument.Tag>> tagsBuilder,
Function<Message<?>,Iterable<io.micrometer.core.instrument.Tag>> latencyTagsBuilder)
Registers new metrics to the registry to monitor an
EventProcessor using Tag s through the given
tagsBuilder . |
MessageMonitor<? super QueryMessage<?,?>> |
GlobalMetricRegistry.registerQueryBus(String queryBusName,
Function<Message<?>,Iterable<io.micrometer.core.instrument.Tag>> tagsBuilder)
Registers new metrics to the registry to monitor a
QueryBus using Tag s through the given tagsBuilder . |
MessageTimerMonitor.Builder |
MessageTimerMonitor.Builder.tagsBuilder(Function<Message<?>,Iterable<io.micrometer.core.instrument.Tag>> tagsBuilder)
Configures the
Function used to deduce what the Tag s should be for a message being monitored. |
EventProcessorLatencyMonitor.Builder |
EventProcessorLatencyMonitor.Builder.tagsBuilder(Function<Message<?>,Iterable<io.micrometer.core.instrument.Tag>> tagsBuilder)
Configures the
Function used to deduce what the Tag s should be for a message being monitored. |
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
ForwardingMode<T extends Message<?>>
Interface describing the required functionality to forward a message.
class |
ForwardMatchingInstances<T extends Message<?>>
Only forward messages of type
T if the routing key of the message matches that of the entity. |
class |
ForwardNone<T extends Message<?>>
Forward no messages
T regardless of their set up. |
class |
ForwardToAll<T extends Message<?>>
Forward all messages
T regardless of their set up. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Object |
LockAwareAggregate.handle(Message<?> message) |
Object |
Aggregate.handle(Message<?> message)
Handle the given
message on the aggregate root or one of its child entities. |
void |
AbstractRepository.send(Message<?> message,
ScopeDescriptor scopeDescription) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
ChildForwardingCommandMessageHandlingMember.canHandle(Message<?> message) |
Object |
AnnotatedAggregate.handle(Message<?> message) |
Object |
ChildForwardingCommandMessageHandlingMember.handle(Message<?> message,
P target) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
ChildForwardingCommandMessageHandlingMember.canHandleMessageType(Class<? extends Message> messageType) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Object |
SagaMethodMessageHandlingMember.handle(Message<?> message,
T target) |
Object |
EndSagaMessageHandlerDefinition.EndSageMessageHandlingMember.handle(Message<?> message,
T target) |
void |
AbstractSagaManager.send(Message<?> message,
ScopeDescriptor scopeDescription) |
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
MessageMonitor<T extends Message<?>>
Specifies a mechanism to monitor message processing.
class |
MultiMessageMonitor<T extends Message<?>>
Delegates messages and callbacks to the given list of message monitors
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
MessageMonitor.MonitorCallback |
NoOpMessageMonitor.onMessageIngested(Message<?> message) |
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
interface |
Message type that carries a Query: a request for information.
interface |
Message that contains the results of a Query.
interface |
A special type of
QueryMessage used for initiating streaming queries. |
interface |
Message type that carries a Subscription Query: a request for information.
interface |
Message which holds incremental update of an subscription query.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Generic implementation of the QueryMessage.
class |
QueryResponseMessage implementation that takes all properties as constructor parameters.
class |
Generic implementation of the
StreamingQueryMessage . |
class |
Generic implementation of the
SubscriptionQueryMessage . |
class |
SubscriptionQueryUpdateMessage which holds incremental update of an subscription query. |
Constructor and Description |
GenericQueryMessage(Message<T> delegate,
String queryName,
ResponseType<R> responseType)
Initialize the Query Message, using given
delegate as the carrier of payload and metadata and given
queryName and expecting the given responseType . |
GenericQueryResponseMessage(Message<R> delegate)
Copy-constructor that takes the payload, meta data and message identifier of the given
delegate for this
message. |
GenericQueryResponseMessage(Message<R> delegate,
Throwable exception)
Copy-constructor that takes the payload, meta data and message identifier of the given
delegate for this
message and given exception as a cause for the failure. |
GenericStreamingQueryMessage(Message<Q> delegate,
String queryName,
Class<R> responseType)
Initializes the message with the given
delegate , queryName and expected responseType . |
GenericStreamingQueryMessage(Message<Q> delegate,
String queryName,
ResponseType<org.reactivestreams.Publisher<R>> responseType)
Initialize the Query Message, using given
delegate as the carrier of payload and metadata and given
queryName and expecting the given responseType . |
GenericSubscriptionQueryMessage(Message<Q> delegate,
String queryName,
ResponseType<I> responseType,
ResponseType<U> updateResponseType)
Initializes the message, using given
delegate as the carrier of payload and metadata and given queryName , expected responseType and expected updateResponseType . |
GenericSubscriptionQueryUpdateMessage(Message<U> delegate)
Initializes a new decorator with given
delegate message. |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
A message containing serialized payload data and metadata.
Constructor and Description |
SerializedObjectHolder(Message message)
Initialize the holder for the serialized representations of the payload and meta data of given
message |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
MessageAuthorizationDispatchInterceptor<T extends Message<?>>
MessageDispatchInterceptor that adds the {$code username} and {$code authorities} from the authorized
principle. |
class |
MessageAuthorizationHandlerInterceptor<T extends Message<?>>
MessageHandlerInterceptor that verifies authorization based on
Secured annotations on the payload of
Messages . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<M extends Message<?>> |
AxonConfiguration.messageMonitor(Class<?> componentType,
String componentName)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Class<? extends Message<?>> |
Returns the supported
Message implementation. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static List<String> |
MessageHandlerLookup.messageHandlerBeans(Class<? extends Message<?>> messageType,
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.ConfigurableListableBeanFactory registry)
Returns a list of beans found in the given
register that contain a handler for the given
messageType . |
static List<String> |
MessageHandlerLookup.messageHandlerBeans(Class<? extends Message<?>> messageType,
org.springframework.beans.factory.config.ConfigurableListableBeanFactory registry,
boolean includePrototypeBeans)
Returns a list of beans found in the given
register that contain a handler for the given
messageType . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
TargetContextResolver<Message<?>> |
AxonServerAutoConfiguration.targetContextResolver() |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
PayloadMatcher<T extends Message>
Matcher that matches any message (e.g.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static org.hamcrest.Matcher<Message<?>> |
Matchers.messageWithPayload(org.hamcrest.Matcher<?> payloadMatcher)
Matches a single Message if the given
payloadMatcher matches that message's payload. |
static org.hamcrest.Matcher<List<Message<?>>> |
Matchers.payloadsMatching(org.hamcrest.Matcher<? extends List<?>> matcher)
Matches a list of Messages if a list containing their respective payloads matches the given
matcher . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<M extends Message<?>> |
SpanFactory.propagateContext(M message)
Propagates the currently active trace and span to the message.
<M extends Message<?>> |
NoOpSpanFactory.propagateContext(M message) |
<M extends Message<?>> |
NestingSpanFactory.propagateContext(M message)
<M extends Message<?>> |
MultiSpanFactory.propagateContext(M message) |
<M extends Message<?>> |
LoggingSpanFactory.propagateContext(M message) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default Span |
SpanFactory.createChildHandlerSpan(Supplier<String> operationNameSupplier,
Message<?> parentMessage,
Message<?>... linkedParents)
Creates a new
Span which is part of the current trace. |
default Span |
SpanFactory.createChildHandlerSpan(Supplier<String> operationNameSupplier,
Message<?> parentMessage,
Message<?>... linkedParents)
Creates a new
Span which is part of the current trace. |
Span |
SpanFactory.createDispatchSpan(Supplier<String> operationNameSupplier,
Message<?> parentMessage,
Message<?>... linkedSiblings)
Span |
SpanFactory.createDispatchSpan(Supplier<String> operationNameSupplier,
Message<?> parentMessage,
Message<?>... linkedSiblings)
Span |
NoOpSpanFactory.createDispatchSpan(Supplier<String> operationNameSupplier,
Message<?> parentMessage,
Message<?>... linkedSiblings) |
Span |
NoOpSpanFactory.createDispatchSpan(Supplier<String> operationNameSupplier,
Message<?> parentMessage,
Message<?>... linkedSiblings) |
Span |
NestingSpanFactory.createDispatchSpan(Supplier<String> operationNameSupplier,
Message<?> parentMessage,
Message<?>... linkedSiblings)
Span |
NestingSpanFactory.createDispatchSpan(Supplier<String> operationNameSupplier,
Message<?> parentMessage,
Message<?>... linkedSiblings)
Span |
MultiSpanFactory.createDispatchSpan(Supplier<String> operationNameSupplier,
Message<?> parentMessage,
Message<?>... linkedSiblings) |
Span |
MultiSpanFactory.createDispatchSpan(Supplier<String> operationNameSupplier,
Message<?> parentMessage,
Message<?>... linkedSiblings) |
Span |
LoggingSpanFactory.createDispatchSpan(Supplier<String> operationNameSupplier,
Message<?> parentMessage,
Message<?>... linkedSiblings) |
Span |
LoggingSpanFactory.createDispatchSpan(Supplier<String> operationNameSupplier,
Message<?> parentMessage,
Message<?>... linkedSiblings) |
Span |
SpanFactory.createHandlerSpan(Supplier<String> operationNameSupplier,
Message<?> parentMessage,
boolean isChildTrace,
Message<?>... linkedParents)
Span |
SpanFactory.createHandlerSpan(Supplier<String> operationNameSupplier,
Message<?> parentMessage,
boolean isChildTrace,
Message<?>... linkedParents)
Span |
NoOpSpanFactory.createHandlerSpan(Supplier<String> operationNameSupplier,
Message<?> parentMessage,
boolean isChildTrace,
Message<?>... linkedParents) |
Span |
NoOpSpanFactory.createHandlerSpan(Supplier<String> operationNameSupplier,
Message<?> parentMessage,
boolean isChildTrace,
Message<?>... linkedParents) |
Span |
NestingSpanFactory.createHandlerSpan(Supplier<String> operationNameSupplier,
Message<?> parentMessage,
boolean isChildTrace,
Message<?>... linkedParents)
Span |
NestingSpanFactory.createHandlerSpan(Supplier<String> operationNameSupplier,
Message<?> parentMessage,
boolean isChildTrace,
Message<?>... linkedParents)
Span |
MultiSpanFactory.createHandlerSpan(Supplier<String> operationNameSupplier,
Message<?> parentMessage,
boolean isChildTrace,
Message<?>... linkedParents) |
Span |
MultiSpanFactory.createHandlerSpan(Supplier<String> operationNameSupplier,
Message<?> parentMessage,
boolean isChildTrace,
Message<?>... linkedParents) |
Span |
LoggingSpanFactory.createHandlerSpan(Supplier<String> operationNameSupplier,
Message<?> parentMessage,
boolean isChildTrace,
Message<?>... linkedParents) |
Span |
LoggingSpanFactory.createHandlerSpan(Supplier<String> operationNameSupplier,
Message<?> parentMessage,
boolean isChildTrace,
Message<?>... linkedParents) |
Span |
SpanFactory.createInternalSpan(Supplier<String> operationNameSupplier,
Message<?> message)
Creates a new
Span linked to the currently active span. |
Span |
NoOpSpanFactory.createInternalSpan(Supplier<String> operationNameSupplier,
Message<?> message) |
Span |
NestingSpanFactory.createInternalSpan(Supplier<String> operationNameSupplier,
Message<?> message)
Span |
MultiSpanFactory.createInternalSpan(Supplier<String> operationNameSupplier,
Message<?> message) |
Span |
LoggingSpanFactory.createInternalSpan(Supplier<String> operationNameSupplier,
Message<?> message) |
default Span |
SpanFactory.createLinkedHandlerSpan(Supplier<String> operationNameSupplier,
Message<?> parentMessage,
Message<?>... linkedParents)
Creates a new
Span which becomes its own separate trace, linked to the previous span. |
default Span |
SpanFactory.createLinkedHandlerSpan(Supplier<String> operationNameSupplier,
Message<?> parentMessage,
Message<?>... linkedParents)
Creates a new
Span which becomes its own separate trace, linked to the previous span. |
static String |
SpanUtils.determineMessageName(Message<?> message)
Creates a human-readable name for a message's payload.
Map<String,String> |
SpanAttributesProvider.provideForMessage(Message<?> message)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Map<String,String> |
PayloadTypeSpanAttributesProvider.provideForMessage(Message<?> message) |
Map<String,String> |
MetadataSpanAttributesProvider.provideForMessage(Message<?> message) |
Map<String,String> |
MessageTypeSpanAttributesProvider.provideForMessage(Message<?> message) |
Map<String,String> |
MessageNameSpanAttributesProvider.provideForMessage(Message<?> message) |
Map<String,String> |
MessageIdSpanAttributesProvider.provideForMessage(Message<?> message) |
Map<String,String> |
AggregateIdentifierSpanAttributesProvider.provideForMessage(Message<?> message) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
<M extends Message<?>> |
OpenTelemetrySpanFactory.propagateContext(M message) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Span |
OpenTelemetrySpanFactory.createDispatchSpan(Supplier<String> operationNameSupplier,
Message<?> parentMessage,
Message<?>... linkedSiblings) |
Span |
OpenTelemetrySpanFactory.createDispatchSpan(Supplier<String> operationNameSupplier,
Message<?> parentMessage,
Message<?>... linkedSiblings) |
Span |
OpenTelemetrySpanFactory.createHandlerSpan(Supplier<String> operationNameSupplier,
Message<?> parentMessage,
boolean isChildTrace,
Message<?>... linkedParents) |
Span |
OpenTelemetrySpanFactory.createHandlerSpan(Supplier<String> operationNameSupplier,
Message<?> parentMessage,
boolean isChildTrace,
Message<?>... linkedParents) |
Span |
OpenTelemetrySpanFactory.createInternalSpan(Supplier<String> operationNameSupplier,
Message<?> message) |
String |
MetadataContextGetter.get(Message<?> message,
String key) |
Iterable<String> |
MetadataContextGetter.keys(Message<?> message) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
OpenTelemetrySpanFactory.Builder |
OpenTelemetrySpanFactory.Builder.textMapGetter(io.opentelemetry.context.propagation.TextMapGetter<Message<?>> textMapGetter)
Defines the
TextMapGetter to use, which is used for extracting the propagated context from another
thread or service. |
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