Uses of Interface

Packages that use EventStreamDecorator
org.axonframework.eventsourcing Classes related to event sourcing. 

Uses of EventStreamDecorator in org.axonframework.commandhandling.disruptor

Methods in org.axonframework.commandhandling.disruptor with parameters of type EventStreamDecorator
<T extends EventSourcedAggregateRoot>
DisruptorCommandBus.createRepository(AggregateFactory<T> aggregateFactory, EventStreamDecorator decorator)
          Creates a repository instance for an Event Sourced aggregate that is created by the given aggregateFactory.
<T extends EventSourcedAggregateRoot>
CommandHandlerInvoker.createRepository(AggregateFactory<T> aggregateFactory, EventStreamDecorator decorator)
          Create a repository instance for an aggregate created by the given aggregateFactory.
 void DisruptorUnitOfWork.setEventStreamDecorator(EventStreamDecorator eventStreamDecorator)
          Registers the EventStreamDecorator for events as part of this unit of work

Uses of EventStreamDecorator in org.axonframework.contextsupport.spring

Method parameters in org.axonframework.contextsupport.spring with type arguments of type EventStreamDecorator
 void DisruptorRepositoryBeanDefinitionParser.RepositoryFactoryBean.setEventStreamDecorators(List<EventStreamDecorator> decorators)
          Sets the (additional) decorators to use when loading and storing events from/to the Event Store.

Uses of EventStreamDecorator in org.axonframework.eventsourcing

Subinterfaces of EventStreamDecorator in org.axonframework.eventsourcing
 interface SnapshotterTrigger
          Interface for Event Stream Decorators that have the intent to trigger snapshots.

Classes in org.axonframework.eventsourcing that implement EventStreamDecorator
 class CompositeEventStreamDecorator
          EventStreamDecorator implementation that delegates to several other decorator instances.
 class EventCountSnapshotterTrigger
          Snapshotter trigger mechanism that counts the number of events to decide when to create a snapshot.

Method parameters in org.axonframework.eventsourcing with type arguments of type EventStreamDecorator
 void EventSourcingRepository.setEventStreamDecorators(List<? extends EventStreamDecorator> eventProcessors)
          Sets the Event Stream Decorators that will process the event in the DomainEventStream when read, or written to the event store.

Constructor parameters in org.axonframework.eventsourcing with type arguments of type EventStreamDecorator
CompositeEventStreamDecorator(Collection<EventStreamDecorator> eventStreamDecorators)
          Initialize the decorator, delegating to the given eventStreamDecorators.

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