Uses of Interface

Packages that use AggregateRoot
org.axonframework.commandhandling.annotation Classes that provide annotation support for command handling. 
org.axonframework.domain The domain components of the Axon Framework, mainly the Aggregates and Events. 
org.axonframework.eventsourcing Classes related to event sourcing. 
org.axonframework.repository Classes related to the repository interface and implementations. 
org.axonframework.unitofwork Classes in support of the UnitOfWork pattern in Axon Framework. 

Uses of AggregateRoot in org.axonframework.commandhandling.annotation

Classes in org.axonframework.commandhandling.annotation with type parameters of type AggregateRoot
 class AggregateAnnotationCommandHandler<T extends AggregateRoot>
          Command handler that handles commands based on CommandHandler annotations on an aggregate.
 class AggregateAnnotationCommandHandlerFactoryBean<T extends AggregateRoot<?>>
          Spring FactoryBean that creates an AggregateAnnotationCommandHandler instance.
 class AggregateCommandHandlerInspector<T extends AggregateRoot>
          Handler inspector that finds annotated constructors and methods on a given aggregate type and provides handlers for those methods.
 class ConstructorCommandMessageHandler<T extends AggregateRoot>
          Command Handler that creates a new aggregate instance by invoking that aggregate's constructor.

Methods in org.axonframework.commandhandling.annotation with type parameters of type AggregateRoot
<T extends AggregateRoot>
ConstructorCommandMessageHandler.forConstructor(Constructor<T> constructor, ParameterResolverFactory parameterResolverFactory)
          Creates a ConstructorCommandMessageHandler for the given constructor.
<T extends AggregateRoot>
AggregateAnnotationCommandHandler.subscribe(Class<T> aggregateType, Repository<T> repository, CommandBus commandBus)
          Subscribe a handler for the given aggregate type to the given command bus.
<T extends AggregateRoot>
AggregateAnnotationCommandHandler.subscribe(Class<T> aggregateType, Repository<T> repository, CommandBus commandBus, CommandTargetResolver commandTargetResolver)
          Subscribe a handler for the given aggregate type to the given command bus.

Uses of AggregateRoot in org.axonframework.commandhandling.disruptor

Methods in org.axonframework.commandhandling.disruptor with type parameters of type AggregateRoot
<T extends AggregateRoot>
DisruptorUnitOfWork.registerAggregate(T aggregateRoot, EventBus eventBus, SaveAggregateCallback<T> saveAggregateCallback)

Uses of AggregateRoot in org.axonframework.domain

Classes in org.axonframework.domain that implement AggregateRoot
 class AbstractAggregateRoot<I>
          Very basic implementation of the AggregateRoot interface.

Uses of AggregateRoot in org.axonframework.eventsourcing

Classes in org.axonframework.eventsourcing with type parameters of type AggregateRoot
 class HybridJpaRepository<T extends AggregateRoot>
          Repository that stores both a (JPA based) relational model of the current state of an aggregate and the events produced by that aggregate.

Subinterfaces of AggregateRoot in org.axonframework.eventsourcing
 interface EventSourcedAggregateRoot<I>
          Aggregate that can be initialized using a DomainEventStream.

Classes in org.axonframework.eventsourcing that implement AggregateRoot
 class AbstractEventSourcedAggregateRoot<I>
          Abstract convenience class to be extended by all aggregate roots.

Uses of AggregateRoot in org.axonframework.eventsourcing.annotation

Classes in org.axonframework.eventsourcing.annotation that implement AggregateRoot
 class AbstractAnnotatedAggregateRoot<I>
          Convenience super type for aggregate roots that have their event handler methods annotated with the EventSourcingHandler annotation (and EventHandler for backwards compatibility).

Uses of AggregateRoot in org.axonframework.quickstart.annotated

Classes in org.axonframework.quickstart.annotated that implement AggregateRoot
 class ToDoItem

Uses of AggregateRoot in org.axonframework.repository

Classes in org.axonframework.repository with type parameters of type AggregateRoot
 class AbstractRepository<T extends AggregateRoot>
          Abstract implementation of the Repository that takes care of the dispatching of events when an aggregate is persisted.
 class GenericJpaRepository<T extends AggregateRoot>
          Generic repository implementation that stores JPA annotated aggregates.
 class LockingRepository<T extends AggregateRoot>
          Implementation of the Repository interface that takes provides a locking mechanism to prevent concurrent modifications of persisted aggregates.

Methods in org.axonframework.repository with parameters of type AggregateRoot
 boolean PessimisticLockManager.validateLock(AggregateRoot aggregate)
          Make sure that the current thread holds a valid lock for the given aggregate.
 boolean OptimisticLockManager.validateLock(AggregateRoot aggregate)
          Make sure that the current thread holds a valid lock for the given aggregate.
 boolean NullLockManager.validateLock(AggregateRoot aggregate)
          Make sure that the current thread holds a valid lock for the given aggregate.
 boolean LockManager.validateLock(AggregateRoot aggregate)
          Make sure that the current thread holds a valid lock for the given aggregate.

Uses of AggregateRoot in org.axonframework.unitofwork

Classes in org.axonframework.unitofwork with type parameters of type AggregateRoot
 interface SaveAggregateCallback<T extends AggregateRoot>
          Callback used by UnitOfWork instances to be invoked when the UnitOfWork wishes to store an aggregate.

Methods in org.axonframework.unitofwork with type parameters of type AggregateRoot
<T extends AggregateRoot>
UnitOfWork.registerAggregate(T aggregateRoot, EventBus eventBus, SaveAggregateCallback<T> saveAggregateCallback)
          Register an aggregate with this UnitOfWork.
<T extends AggregateRoot>
DefaultUnitOfWork.registerAggregate(T aggregate, EventBus eventBus, SaveAggregateCallback<T> saveAggregateCallback)

Method parameters in org.axonframework.unitofwork with type arguments of type AggregateRoot
 void UnitOfWorkListenerCollection.onPrepareCommit(UnitOfWork unitOfWork, Set<AggregateRoot> aggregateRoots, List<EventMessage> events)
          Invoked before aggregates are committed, and before any events are published.
 void UnitOfWorkListenerAdapter.onPrepareCommit(UnitOfWork unitOfWork, Set<AggregateRoot> aggregateRoots, List<EventMessage> events)
          Invoked before aggregates are committed, and before any events are published.
 void UnitOfWorkListener.onPrepareCommit(UnitOfWork unitOfWork, Set<AggregateRoot> aggregateRoots, List<EventMessage> events)
          Invoked before aggregates are committed, and before any events are published.
 void MetaDataMutatingUnitOfWorkListenerAdapter.onPrepareCommit(UnitOfWork unitOfWork, Set<AggregateRoot> aggregateRoots, List<EventMessage> events)

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