Uses of Class

Packages that use AxonException
org.axonframework.commandhandling Classes that implement the concept of command handling using explicit command objects. 
org.axonframework.commandhandling.interceptors Contains some useful implementations of interceptors that many application can benefit from. 
org.axonframework.common Contains common utility classes needed in different components of the framework. 
org.axonframework.common.annotation Contains the main classes for annotation support in Axon Framework. 
org.axonframework.domain The domain components of the Axon Framework, mainly the Aggregates and Events. 
org.axonframework.eventhandling Classes related to event handling and dispatching, such as Event Listeners and the Event Bus
org.axonframework.eventhandling.annotation Classes in support of the configuration of Event Handlers using annotations. 
org.axonframework.eventsourcing Classes related to event sourcing. 
org.axonframework.eventstore Definitions and implementations of the Event store, the mechanism that can load event streams and append events to them. 
org.axonframework.repository Classes related to the repository interface and implementations. 
org.axonframework.test Classes in support of testing Axon based applications. 

Uses of AxonException in org.axonframework.commandhandling

Subclasses of AxonException in org.axonframework.commandhandling
 class CommandExecutionException
          Indicates that an exception has occurred while handling a command.
 class NoHandlerForCommandException
          Exception indicating that no suitable handler could be found for the given command.
 class StructuralCommandValidationFailedException
          Exception indicating that a Command has been refused due to a structural validation failure.

Uses of AxonException in org.axonframework.commandhandling.disruptor

Subclasses of AxonException in org.axonframework.commandhandling.disruptor
 class AggregateBlacklistedException
          Exception indicating that an aggregate has been blacklisted by the DisruptorCommandBus.
 class AggregateStateCorruptedException
          Exception indicating that the changes in an aggregate (generated events) are ignored by the DisruptorCommandBus, because it cannot guarantee that these changes have been applied to an aggregate instance with the correct state.

Uses of AxonException in org.axonframework.commandhandling.distributed

Subclasses of AxonException in org.axonframework.commandhandling.distributed
 class CommandDispatchException
          Exception indicating that an error has occurred while trying to dispatch a command to another (potentially remote) segment of the CommandBus.
 class RemoteCommandHandlingException
          Exception indicating that an error has occurred while remotely handling a command.

Uses of AxonException in org.axonframework.commandhandling.distributed.jgroups

Subclasses of AxonException in org.axonframework.commandhandling.distributed.jgroups
 class CommandResponseProcessingFailedException
          Exception indicating that a failure occurred during processing of a command response.
 class ConnectionFailedException
          Exception indicating that a CommandBusConnector failed to connect to other instances.
 class MembershipUpdateFailedException
          Exception indicating that a node has failed to update its membership details with the other nodes.

Uses of AxonException in org.axonframework.commandhandling.interceptors

Subclasses of AxonException in org.axonframework.commandhandling.interceptors
 class JSR303ViolationException
          Specialized version of the StructuralCommandValidationFailedException that provides a set of JSR303 constraint violations that provide details about the exact failure of the command.

Uses of AxonException in org.axonframework.common

Subclasses of AxonException in org.axonframework.common
 class AxonConfigurationException
          Exception indicating that a configuration error has been made in the Axon configuration.
 class AxonNonTransientException
          Exception indicating an error has been cause that cannot be resolved without intervention.
 class AxonTransientException
          Exception indicating an error occurred that might be resolved by retrying the operation that caused the exception.

Uses of AxonException in org.axonframework.common.annotation

Subclasses of AxonException in org.axonframework.common.annotation
 class MessageHandlerInvocationException
          MessageHandlerInvocationException is a runtime exception that wraps an exception thrown by an invoked message handler.
 class UnsupportedHandlerException
          Thrown when an @...Handler annotated method was found that does not conform to the rules that apply to those methods.

Uses of AxonException in org.axonframework.common.jdbc

Subclasses of AxonException in org.axonframework.common.jdbc
 class JdbcTransactionException
          Exception indicating an error occurred while interacting with a JDBC resource.

Uses of AxonException in org.axonframework.common.lock

Subclasses of AxonException in org.axonframework.common.lock
 class DeadlockException
          Exception indicating that a deadlock has been detected while a thread was attempting to acquire a lock.
 class IllegalLockUsageException
          Exception indicating that an illegal use of a lock was detect (e.g.
 class LockAcquisitionFailedException
          Exception indicating that a lock could not be obtained.

Uses of AxonException in

Subclasses of AxonException in
 class PropertyAccessException
          Exception indicating that a predefined property is not accessible.

Uses of AxonException in org.axonframework.domain

Subclasses of AxonException in org.axonframework.domain
 class AggregateIdentifierNotInitializedException
          Exception indicating that an AggregateRoot instance has failed to provide a valid aggregate identifier in time.

Uses of AxonException in org.axonframework.eventhandling

Subclasses of AxonException in org.axonframework.eventhandling
 class EventListenerSubscriptionFailedException
          Exception indicating that the subscription of an Event Listener has not succeeded.

Uses of AxonException in org.axonframework.eventhandling.amqp

Subclasses of AxonException in org.axonframework.eventhandling.amqp
 class EventPublicationFailedException
          Exception indication that an error occurred while publishing an event to an AMQP Broker

Uses of AxonException in org.axonframework.eventhandling.annotation

Subclasses of AxonException in org.axonframework.eventhandling.annotation
 class TransactionMethodExecutionException
          Wrapper for exceptions that occurred while calling an @BeforeTransaction or @AfterTransaction annotated method.

Uses of AxonException in org.axonframework.eventhandling.replay

Subclasses of AxonException in org.axonframework.eventhandling.replay
 class EventReplayUnsupportedException
          Exception that indicates that event replays are not supported by a component.
 class ReplayFailedException
          Exception indicating that a replay task has failed.

Uses of AxonException in org.axonframework.eventhandling.scheduling

Subclasses of AxonException in org.axonframework.eventhandling.scheduling
 class SchedulingException
          Exception indicating a problem in the Event Scheduling mechanism.

Uses of AxonException in org.axonframework.eventsourcing

Subclasses of AxonException in org.axonframework.eventsourcing
 class AggregateDeletedException
          Special case of the AggregateNotFoundException that indicates that historic information of an aggregate was found, but the aggregate has been deleted.
 class IncompatibleAggregateException
          Exception indicating that an aggregate was not compatible with the requirements of the GenericAggregateFactory.

Uses of AxonException in org.axonframework.eventstore

Subclasses of AxonException in org.axonframework.eventstore
 class EventStoreException
          Indicates that the given events stream could not be stored or read due to an underlying exception.
 class EventStreamNotFoundException
          Exception indicating that the event store could not find an event stream for a given aggregate type and identifier.

Uses of AxonException in org.axonframework.repository

Subclasses of AxonException in org.axonframework.repository
 class AggregateNotFoundException
          Exception indicating that the an aggregate could not be found in the repository.
 class ConcurrencyException
          Exception indicating that concurrent access to a repository was detected.
 class ConflictingAggregateVersionException
          Exception indicating that the (actual) version of a loaded aggregate did not match the given expected version number.
 class ConflictingModificationException
          Root of a hierarchy of exceptions indicating the detection of conflicting concurrent modifications.

Uses of AxonException in org.axonframework.saga

Subclasses of AxonException in org.axonframework.saga
 class SagaStorageException
          Exception indicating that an error has occurred while storing a Saga.

Uses of AxonException in org.axonframework.serializer

Subclasses of AxonException in org.axonframework.serializer
 class CannotConvertBetweenTypesException
          Exception indicating that a conversion is required between to upcasters, but there is no converter capable of doing the conversion.
 class SerializationException
          Indicates that an exception occurred while serializing or deserializing an object.
 class UnknownSerializedTypeException
          Exception indicating that an object could not be deserialized, because its serialized type cannot be mapped to a class.

Uses of AxonException in org.axonframework.test

Subclasses of AxonException in org.axonframework.test
 class FixtureExecutionException
          Exception indicating that an error occurred that prevented successful execution of a test fixture.

Uses of AxonException in org.axonframework.test.matchers

Subclasses of AxonException in org.axonframework.test.matchers
 class MatcherExecutionException
          Exception indicating that an error occurred that prevented successful execution of a matcher.

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